b'Its imperative that as an industry we take a proactive approach in protecting TIPpollinators. operationpollinator.comLangdon says that although many farmers are progressive and understand resistance concerns, its important to remember that just using a different product may not be enough. Its about using a different mode of action.The Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) has categorized insec-ticides into more than 30 different modes of action, with many of those broken into subgroups as well. Most chemical com-panies have their mode of action listed on the front of their label, such asGroup 3A insecticide, which is the pyrethroids, so farmers know not to spray two products in that same category.Langdon says this labeling has been helpful, but not everyone is aware of the system.We have to keep talking about this, and our University extension faculty and agents should be helpful for farmers who want more information, he says. Using crop protection products at the correct usage rate and varying modes of action used will set you up for success against crop protection product resistance. Alternate StrategiesIts important more growers begin tothe 1960s, Martin says. However, it isyields decrease if resistance increases, incorporate non-herbicidal methods ofstill used successfully in agriculture, mostproperty values can drop as well.weed control into weed management pro- commonly with another product added inThis is something we all have to work grams. Herbicides alone are not enough. to add control. together on. Cover crops are a good way to combatNo one really expected the resistanceNew product registrations have resistance, and more cultivation if the landproblems with glyphosate in glyphosate- slowed over recent years, which, puts is not highly erodible, Bowers says. tolerant crops, but when use of a productmore pressure on the existing chemistry, Crop rotation is helpful, and Bowersexpands rapidly like that, it requires evenLangdon says. Thats when we start also thinks well start to see increasedcloser scrutiny for the potential of resist- to see that pressure really build up and adoption of harvest weed seed manage- ance to develop, McAllister says. resistance becomes more of a challenge ment here in the United States.to manage. This practice has been widelyWorking Together Ive heard many farmers say, What adopted in Australia, he says. The weedMcAllister says that working with land- we need is a new product, but there is seed contained in chaff during harvestlords or lenders can be problematic ifno silver bullet coming, Bowers says. All go through a hammermill on the combinethey consider the bottom line of cropthese registrants are working to bring itself that destroys the seed.protection as the foremost priority. Usingnew products to the marketplace, but a variety of pesticide modes of action tothese are only short-term fixes. If we dont Product Lifecycle control pests can cost more, and can bemanage them correctly, they wont be Resistance doesnt mean products cana hard sell for someone who isnt edu- long lasting. SWno longer be used, but it may change thecated on resistance. way a product is applied and the fre- We need to have the materials avail-quency it can be relied upon. able to educate those individuals about 2,4-D is a good example of a productthe need for flexibility and stewardship,WHERETo find out more information about different weve been using since the 1940s, andhe says. It takes additional time to lookON THEmodes of action and what they mean, please visit we began to see resistance develop inat the long-term picture, but not only willWEB www.irac-online.org/.DECEMBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /91'