b'Dan Hogstad serves asMarc Hoobler serves asTravis KriegshauserTim Greene serves asJohn Latham serves as CEO of NorthStarBASF U.S. soybeanserves as Syngentapresident of Burruspresident of Latham Genetics. agronomy lead. strategic marketingSeed. Hi-Tech Seeds. manager. Rubischko, soybean portfolio lead for Bayer. He recommendsLatham says good summer weather across the nine states seed advisers help growers select high-yielding varieties thatwhere they produce seed seems to have made up for the poor provide some flexibility in weed control. start to the growing season. There is no silver bullet. No herbicide does everything aIm feeling good about our preliminary results regarding farmer needs in every soybean field, Rubischko says. The goalquality and quantity of our seed products, he says. There may is to provide growers with the best return on their own invest- be shortages of certain products this year, but I am not con-ment opportunities. cerned with the overall seed supply for 2020.Travis Kriegshauser, Syngenta strategic marketing manager forBoth BASF and Bayer expect adequate supplies across their soybeans, says Golden Harvest and NK brands offer multiple prod- soybean seed brands. uct portfolios to deliver all of the herbicide trait options for 2020.We do not anticipate any glaring gaps across our maturities, Our strategy is to provide farmers the industrys top-per- says Wes Hays, soybean germplasm and deployment lead for forming varieties with the herbicide program that best fits theirBayer. With the challenging spring, we worked with our seed fields. We are in a unique position to be the trusted adviser togrowers to adjust to the weather so we would be able to supply growers by listening to concerns and providing one or morethe market for 2020. solutions to meet unique farm goals, he says. Hoobler shares similar observations. We have significant safety stock built into production, and I Minimal 2020 Seed Supply Concerns do not expect supply to be short, he says. Every year is differ-While Kriegshauser says they are providing choices across allent from a production standpoint, but we also pay close atten-technologies, there could be some gaps in seed supplies thattion to the quality of the Credenz seed we grow and sell.might affect decisions as farmers weigh one trait versus another.Overall seed production is looking pretty good, he says.Selection Strategies and StewardshipThere is some increased concern for Group 0 and Group I soy- As the number of available soybean traits has grown, so have beans given late planting and extreme fall conditions in northernthe strategies of what seed to sell and how best to protect the geographies. We just dont know for sure yet.technology with sound stewardship practices.Hogstad expresses potential for concern about seed supplyGreene says performing their own testing is critical to deter-for 2020 as well.mining seed offerings. We have a strong, dedicated team that We are in uncharted territory this year (with late planting,looks at genetic potential before we consider trait platforms, he late harvest and inclement weather). We wont have an accuratesays. Genetics are the key. Trait platforms are added insurance inventory of our available seed or seed quality for a while yet. Weto help combat outside issues.are taking reservations and actively communicating our situationBurrus has added DONMARIO brand seed to bring something with dealers and customers, Hogstad says. unique to our market footprint and achieve the goal of top genetics. Tim Greene, president of Burrus Seed headquartered inWe try to make seed selection personal with growers, listen Arenzville, Ill., also says supplies might be challenged for someto their needs and learn about goals for their operation so we varieties due to impact of the season, but also demand for newcan find the best fit, Greene says.technology. And since growers know their fields better than anyone, We are fortunate to have a strong seed supply for 2020,these experts agree it is critical for seed advisers to gain as much he says. We try to keep our sales staff and current customersinformation as possible before helping growers select traits and abreast of our inventory. However, some varieties may move tovarieties.a sold-out position earlier than normal due to increased demandEvery company has a core competency when it comes to for a specific trait. traits, says Hoobler. Growers should be forward thinking and 98/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2019'