b'from the growers point of view. Precision farming, which includes Farmers will plant wheat if it makessowing seeds or applying nutrients at economic sense, he says. Theres a hugeAbout 90% of all wheat flourthe correct rate exactly where they are uptick in production in certain parts of theneeded, can also help. Targeted irriga-world, mainly through use of newer varie- is from refined wheat, and onlytion practices such as drip or raised-bed ties and better growing practices.10% is from whole grain. If splitmethods use water in a smarter way. To Gerard says double cropping might beproduce one kilogram of wheat, 900-a good option for some.50/50, it would have a tremendous1,000 liters of water is needed. If laser You can harvest wheat in time to putleveling is applied, water consumption in a crop of soybeans in June and still getimpact on the health of millionsdrops to 600 liters. With drip irrigation, a nice return, he says. in developing and developedonly 400 liters of water is needed. In some places, corn yields are 10-14%A grower can maximize yield potential higher when following wheat than whencountries.of wheat by proper investment and man-following soybeans. Hans-Joachim Braun agement with quality seed (treated and According to Gerard, some areas thatnew), nitrogen use, fungicides and more, plant wheat are seeing yield trials with aGerard says. mean of 100 bushels per acre. IrrigatedBoth Braun and Bassi emphasize the areas in Egypt also see average yields oftices can help wheat production, includ- need for support of the public sector in 100 bushels per acre.ing zero-till and adding legumes to cropresearching wheat. Like most commodities, its an eco- rotations to break up cycles of continu- Our national research partners are nomic choice, he says. ous cereal cropping.suffering from lack of funding and loss Some of the legumes added in rota- of political support, Bassi says. Without Better Production Practices andtions include faba bean in Africa, chickpeainvesting in the national scientific activities, More Research Could Help and lentil in the Middle East and India, andfarmers will be left without the technolo-Bassi notes that several agronomic prac- soybeans in the United States.gies that they so desperately need.SWDesigned to leave 1-800-942-5816 www.blackburnflag.comYour Mark. sales@blackburnflag.comDECEMBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /83'