b'Agriculture and Farming are Evolving. How Should South America? IN THE LAST COLUMNwe wrote, the SeedWe need to map the different communication Association of the Americas (SAA) was just gearingstrategies and activities of each country and coordi-up for its 7th Congress. Since then, SAA has had plentynate the messaging. SAA is a natural forum for the of time to reflect on what happened at the conference.seed industry to come together and discuss common South America is currently facing big challenges interests. We can provide our members with a working with the primary challenge focusing on seed regula- atmosphere where updated information flowsfrom tory framework, aka the so-called seed laws and seedface-to-face meetings to webinars to conference calls acts. were working to make our communication tools and Most South American countries were early adoptersstrategies work to facilitate communications between of UPOV 78 in the early 1990s, but since then, therethe industry and stakeholders. We need to map the DIEGO RISSO hasnt been many updates to the legislation. The bigdifferent communication strategies and activities of problem? Agriculture and farming are continuouslyeach country and coordinate the messaging.evolving, and our region is lacking a modern seed regulatory framework.Every country and culture is different . South Our belief is that its important to start adopting UPOV 91, but stakeholders have been discussing thisAmerica needs to look at situations where there need without finding an agreement or consensus on the subject. Instead, companies are faced with a situa- has been success and determine if theres a tion that challenges their ability to operate, and at therecipe for success . end of the day, negatively impacts the ability for South American farmers to access new technology. Add issues with farm saved seed and royalty collection, andAt this years SAA Congress, we spoke about were presented with a large challenge to tackle.how we could help alleviate these problems in South Every country and culture is different, thats forAmerica. We looked at making further progress on SCOTT HORNER certain, but South America needs to look at situationsimplementing the new seed standard ISPM 38, and we where there has been success and determine if theresdiscussed the opportunity of the systems approach a recipe for success that can be adapted and followedand its use for international seed trade. We discussed to the region. For example, Canada recently succeededgene editing, as well as the uses, benefits and opportu-in adopting UPOV 91, and seed companies and farm- nities of these techniques, and the status of regulatory ers alike have benefited due to increased investments inpolicies and licensing for research and development plant breeding, better availability of new varieties andand commercial uses of these technologies. more competition. But how did Canada manage this?We will hope to continue discussing solutions to The answer: extensive seed industry and growerSouth Americas challenges. We will continue push-communication. ing the seed industry and regulators to evolve and Theres no doubt better communication betweenmove forward, but we can only do that together. The stakeholders in South America is needed. WorkingCongress is a great opportunity for seed industry together to understand the concerns of both sides, toleaders and experts to meet, discuss and gain knowl-find common ground and to identify common goals isedge of the current status of key seed initiatives here. the only way to build solutions that work for everyone.In the future, we will continue talking about intellectual A win-win solution is possible for UPOV 91manyproperty protection, phytosanitary regulations, plant industries and countries have proven itbut it takesbreeding innovation and seed applied technologies the commitment of both sides to work for the win.among other important topics. Thats where we, as SAA, are working on is step- Join us and join the conversation to find solutions ping in.and progress forward in agriculture. SW14/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2019'