b'PARTNER CONTENTUnlike the status quo, Saltro does it all without exhibiting theThe Scorch of Early-Season Stresseffects of plant stress above or below the ground.Under high SDS pressure, Saltro also provides a statistically significant three-bushel-per-acre yield increase over ILeVO seed treatment, according to Syngenta Seedcare trials (see the sidebar).The Cause of SDSTo evaluate the impact Saltro may have on the 2020 U.S. soybean crop, its important to understand the root cause of SDS. The fungal pathogen that causes SDSFusarium virguliformelives in the soil and infects soybean roots soon after emergence. EarlyTreated with Saltro Treated with ILeVOplanting, cool soil temperatures and high moisture levels can promote disease development. One of the most beautiful sights to a soybean grower is There are a lot of Fusarium species that attack soybean andclean, uniform rows of green plants stretching for acres corn roots, Bond says. The reason why farmers and the industryinto the horizon. One of the best ways to end up with a are so concerned with this particular Fusarium species is it causesuniform stand is to start out that way at emergence. that foliar scorch late in the year with moderate to devastatingPhytotoxicity is a toxic effect on plant growth by a yield losses. compound. The physical expression can manifest in many ways including, but not limited to, chlorosis (yellowing), Being a Good Scout necrosis (tissue death), stunted growth, loss of plant While its too late to act once SDS symptoms appear, careful scout- stand and even plant death.ing above and below the ground can help growers identify hotUntil recently, growers have only had one seed treat-spots and prepare for the next time they plant soybeans. ment option to protect against sudden death syndrome Noticeable foliar symptoms of SDS begin with yellow spots(SDS)ILeVO seed treatment. Soybeans can have diffi-between the veins of the outermost canopy leaves and spread intoculty metabolizing the active ingredient in ILeVOfluop-chlorotic interveinal leaf scorching. Valuable leaves then becomeyramresulting in a situation that often leads to phy-necrotic and detach from the plant, leaving petioles still attached.totoxicity on the cotyledons of ILeVO-treated soybeans. The timing of SDS symptom appearance plays a key role inThis causes unnecessary stress on the plant during the total yield loss. If severe foliar symptoms appear in earlier growthcritical early-growth stage that can affect yield potential. stages, there is a greater chance for catastrophic yield loss becauseWhile ILeVO has good efficacy against SDS, it also there is more time for defoliation and pod expulsion, Ireland says. has a little baggage, says Dale Ireland, Ph.D., technical lead with Syngenta Seedcare. ILeVO-treated soybeans Proactive Protection for SDS may eventually appear to recover from the early-season When it comes to SDS, its important for growers to use all theplant stress above the surface, commonly known as the tools available to develop an effective disease management pro- halo effect.gram. This could include: However, Ireland notes that below the ground, a Planting fields without a history of SDS first. Young soybeansstunted root system can remain. For a seed treatment to are more susceptible to infection in the cool, wet conditionsbe effective, you want it to be efficacious, he says. But of early planting. you also dont want it to hold back, hinder or negativelyHaving soil tested for SCN. SCN root feeding allows the SDSimpact any growth and development. pathogen to more easily enter the roots and infect the plant. Unlike ILeVO, Saltro fungicide seed treatmentthe new Planting SDS- and SCN-resistant varieties. No soybean varie- SDS offering from Syngentaprovides superior SDS pro-ties are completely resistant to SDS, but partially resistanttection without the stress, as well as robust activity against varieties are available. Planting SCN-resistant varieties maynematodes, including soybean cyst nematode (SCN).also delay SDS onset and reduce disease severity. While SDS- and SCN-resistant varieties help protectUsing an SDS seed treatment in combination with SDS- against these pests, the right seed treatment offers theresistant varieties. Oklesh believes Saltro is that right seedadded protection soybeans need to help reach maximum treatment. With more power against SDS and no early plantyield potential.stress, Saltro will help soybeans finish the season stronger,If youre a soybean grower, you shouldnt have to give he says. And the payoff for growers at harvest will be consist- up early plant health to get SDS protection, says Paul ently higher yield potential. Its definitely an upgrade in SDSOklesh, product lead with Syngenta Seedcare. Until now, protection for our customers. growers have had limited choices to protect against SDS and nematodes. With Saltro, growers have access to an This article first appeared in Thrive, the Syngenta magazineupgraded solution with more power to fight SDS and and website for growers and resellers. To read more articles innematodes, without the stress.Thrive,go to syngentathrive.com.DECEMBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /63'