b'USING VARIETIESANDGENETICSTOTACKLE WHEAT PRODUCTION CHALLENGESWheat production facesWHEAT PRODUCTION CHAL- susceptible moment for the crop, explains numerous difficulties, fromLENGESare found across the globe,Filippo Maria Bassi, senior durum wheat and plant breeders are creating solutionsbreeder with the International Center weather to profitability.to those problems with varieties andfor Agricultural Research in Dry Areas Three experts explain howgenetics.(ICARDA). Three wheat experts discuss severalWeather fluctuations during planting plant breeders are takinghurdles to international wheat produc- creates complications, as well. Some parts down these issues. tion and the solutions that plant breedersof the world, such as the United States, Elise Brown elise.e.brown@outlook.com have developed to combat these chal- experience rain and spring freezes, while lenges. Five themes emerged: weather,other parts of the world see increased economics, development of hybrid wheat,spring temperatures and reduced rainfall. education and promotion and nutritionBraun says producers in developing and industrial quality.countries are concerned about shifts to the ideal planting dates, which affect crop Weatherrotations.Heat stress, drought and weather fluc- If rain doesnt come or you plant later, tuations at planting time affect a wheatthe crop is exposed to heat, and the next crops yield and quality. Research showscrop is planted later, he says. The estab-productivity begins decreasing whenlished crop rotation will be disturbed. temperatures exceed 25 degrees CelsiusIf wheat is not planted in time, produc-(77 degrees Fahrenheit).ers need to decide how to treat the wheat.Wheat doesnt do well in heat,For example, Bryan Gerard, president and says Hans-Joachim Braun, direc- co-owner of JoMar Seeds, says, if pro-tor of International Maize and Wheatducers plant late, they need to decide if Improvement Centers (CIMMYT) Globalthey will keep the crop and plant corn or Wheat Program. Every degree Celsiussoybeans or kill the wheat, treating it like a increased, yield is decreased 5-7%.cover crop.In recent years, weve seen higherGerard says a number of acres werent temperatures have been occurringplanted in the southern United States in more frequent during floweringthe fall of 2018 in early spring, the mostbecause of all the rain. On the other hand, countries with reduced rainfall are experienc-ing a shortage of irrigation water. This means wheat might be grown in more marginal areas, requiring varieties that can cope with drought.Development of Hybrid WheatLast year, scientists completed the sequencing of the entire wheat genome. The wheat genome is huge, Braun says. Its the product of three genomes of three grasses. 78/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2019'