b'Scientists use molecular markers,Braun says. You only needed one muta- resistant to wheat blast in Latin America. molecules such as DNA, to reveal antion to overcome resistance. Now, we canThe organization then compared this organisms characteristics. These mark- stack several rust-resistant genes usinginformation with the varieties available in ers are becoming standard tools for plantmarker technology. Bangladesh. breeders. The process of marker-assistedPutting several genes together meansWithin one year, Bangladeshi wheat selection then uses information fromthat more mutations are needed for a dis- scientists had released a variety resist-molecular markers to choose the traits toease to overcome the plants resistance toant to wheat blast that could be used in further develop in a plant.that disease. For example, the combina- Bangladesh. Also, plant breeders can cut thetion of four genes for disease resistanceAnother organization that works with amount of time needed to develop a newmeans that the disease would need fourdisease in wheat is the U.S. Scab Initiative, plant variety in half by using double-hap- mutations to overcome the plant.which was developed to reduce the loid breeding methods.While diseases such as wheat rust canimpact of Fusarium Head Blight (scab) on Additionally, biometric analysis hasbe managed, there are still problems.wheat and barley. Its membership consists become more sophisticated, Braun says.Diseases are popping up in newof federal, state and private sector scien-You can get more out of your data,areas where they have not been reportedtists, as well as growers, millers and food such as spatial analysis, he says. You canbefore, Braun notes.processors, who develop ways to mini-link molecular and phenotypic data andFor example, prior to 2016, wheat blastmize scab threats in wheat and barley. conduct a large analysis, maximizing whatwas only found in Latin America. ThatGerard adds that innovations within the you can get out of the data.year, cases of wheat blast in Bangladeshwheat plant and in farming practices have The ability to stack genes also hascaused considerable loss because thecontributed greatly to disease management. helped in developing plants with resist- plant varieties there had no resistance toMost diseases are manageable if the ance to disease.the disease. To combat it, farmers neededvariety selection is correct, Gerard says.In the past, breeders transferred oneto switch varieties as quickly as possible.resistant gene into a wheat variety, thenCIMMYT was able to help with itsEconomics, a Mustit was resistant for three to five years,prior research showing which variety wasGerard says economics is a major factor Breeding TrialPlanning ProductionQualityInventoryReportingProcessingOff-line appsSoftware solutions Salesfor field crops, vegetables & flowersAgro Business SolutionsHet Voert 91613 KL GrootebroekThe Netherlands www.agrosolutions.nlENZA ZADEN PANAMERICAN SEED HYBRO SAATZUCHT VAN WAVEREN SAATEN82/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2019'