b'more stable commodity markets as traders actFor livestock, collars equipped with RFID, on knowledge instead of speculation. It means abiometric sensors and GPS combine to allow real-mitigation of the environmental impacts of farmingtime monitoring of the location and health of farm as inputs are precisely delivered. Most importantly,animals, ensuring that ranchers and farmers will be it would mean driving the innovation thats neededable to respond quickly to any potential problem.to deliver food on the scale needed to feed 9.8 bil- 3. Putting it together with automation $300lion by 2050. Automation works hand-in-hand with advancedmillion was the market Technology that promises to unleash agri- mathematics and high-resolution sensing to ensuresize that global cultural productivity is here today, Byrum says.that planting, harvesting, irrigating and the appli- agricultural AI reached The combination punch of advanced mathemat- cation of other inputs are performed with abso- in 2018.ics, automation, advancements in sensor systemslute precision. Agricultural robots, or agbots, are and next-generation plant breeding are settingautomating tedious tasks. Combine hundreds of the stage for the next Green Revolution, which wethese energy-efficient agbots and you end up with need to ensure a sustainable future. robotic farm swarms, which work in a network to$1,550He explains: monitor conditions and harvest crops without themillion is the predicted 1. The mathematics revolution need for human intervention, which means fewermarket size of AI by the Were long overdue for a mathematical revo- farm injuries and less environmental waste. Suchend of 2025.lution in agriculture. The power of advancedprojects are currently in testing stages.mathematics is boosting farm productivity made4. Next generation plant breeding for cornaccessible by the processing capabilities in theGrowing plants in a smarter way represents latest generation of computing hardware and soft- only half of the task agriculture faces. Its just as35.6%ware. For example, farmers can now know the bestimportant to breed better plants. Thats why per- marked how much time to plant crops by looking at historical datahaps one of the most exciting advances to watchof precision farming and using simulation models to make informedfor is the development of corn hybrids selectedAI tools were used in choices based on current conditions, rather thanand adapted to thrive when planted in high densi- 2018.guesswork. Plant breeders also take advantage ofties. This makes possible a step-change in yield advanced mathematics to identify crop varietiesdelivered per acre.with higher yields and other desirable traits. Finally,Higher productivity in agriculture isnt a luxury, the mathematical revolution can help scheduleit is a necessity. The worlds population will grow45.2% everything from the harvest to loading trucks in aby two billion in the decades ahead. We can onlyof the AI market was way that ensures fresh crops make it to the market.feed all of these people if we are smart about howtaken up by North In other words, the mathematics revolution bringswe boost yields in our industry. Paying attentionAmerica in 2018.to the entire agricultural supply chain the powerto the environment, biodiversity and the needs of to make informed decisions about using naturalsmallholder farmers is key to doing this in the right resources wisely. way. As these advances continue to develop, it will 2. The sensing revolution be clear that the future has never been brighter in24.7%The mathematics revolution can only deliveragriculture. of the AI market was these benefits if the simulation models are fedDaniel Newman, an analyst at Futurumtaken up by Europe in high-quality data. That need is being met byResearch, agrees with Byrums optimism.2018.advanced sensor technologies that are enablingI believe that the future of agriculture depends a real-time understanding of whats happeningon its digital transformation, he says. Farmers will on the modern farm, unlike anything seen in thebenefit from each of these digital transformation past. The latest equipment takes advantage oftrends in agriculture, giving them freedom from networks of smart sensors that monitor the healthconcerns over the environment, a better yielding of the soil along with a plants water and nitro- crop and the ability to manage their crops in new gen needs. Knowing precisely how much water isand efficient methods. As our population continues needed helps optimize irrigation, conserve scarceto grow, our agricultural methods must grow with resources and maximize yields. Getting the amountit. Its time to take advantage of the technology we of nitrogen and water right is absolutely essentialhave at our disposal to put food on our table and to preserving the environment. create peace of mind for our farmers.SWDECEMBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /27'