b'REGULATORY ROUNDUP Keeping you informed of legislative and regulatory changes at the state, national and international levelsfrom lawsuits to approvals to other regulatory issues affecting your business.NATIONAL pythium, phytophthora andTechnical briefings, aimportance in achieving this XYLER FC NOWrhizoctonia. requirement for farmers totask. The Plantwise programme REGISTERED Xyler FC is available forreceive seeds, were recentlyis not only giving accurate and Potato growers have a newapplication in the 2020conducted to tillers in regionsimpactful recommendations to way to combat pythium andseason. 1, 2, 3, 4-B, 5, and 12.The firstthe farmers but it is also help-phytophthora with Xylerbatch of rice specialists undering relevant departments to FC. The U.S. EnvironmentalINTERNATIONAL the program also completedregulate the most devastating Protection Agency recentlyAGRI DEPT SPEEDS UPtheir training last week. chemicals, like those that need registered Xyler FC fungicideRCEF IMPLEMENTATION The seed componentto be banned in the country.(metalaxyl) and it becomesThe Department oftargets 1.06 million hectareWith the World Health the fifth product in Vive CropAgriculture acceleratescovering cities and munici- Organization classes of Protections lineup. the Rice Competitivenesspalities with more than 100 haHighly Hazardous Pesticides, Xyler FC provides the flex- Enhancement Fund (RCEF)areas planted to rice. FarmersPlantwise Country Coordinator ibility to be applied in-furrowby releasing the P10 billionlisted in the Department offor Pakistan Muhammad or foliar. According to Davidallotment to implementingAgricultures Registry SystemNaeem Aslam and his team, Pratt, technical sales agrono- agencies. for Basic Sectors in Agricultureconvinced the DPP to call mist at Vive, We expect mostAgriculture Secretarywill be given 20-80 k ofmeeting of the Agricultural potato farmers will use it atWilliam Dar says 32% or P3.2high-quality inbred rice seedsPesticides Technical Advisory plant because the in-furrowbillion is being used for RCEFdepending on farm size. Committee (APTAC). This was application is so simple andprogram activities such aswell responded by DPP in its effective. Applying fungicidesprocurement of high-qualityREGISTRATION OF RED53rd meeting held on August prior to infection provides theinbred seeds, bidding of farmLIST CHEMICALS HALTED1st, 2019, where the committee most effective disease man- machines, granting of loans,IN PAKISTAN THANKS TOevaluated pesticide registration agement. In fact, metalaxyl/ and training of rice specialists. PLANTWISE and application, and assessed mefenoxam-based fungicides[RCEF activities] arePakistans Department ofa wide variety of potential are considered the first linetimely as [its generally thePlant Protection (DPP)human health and environmen-of defense against soilbornestart of rice cropping season].promotes the transition total effects associated with the diseases and that can have aNow, the program is rollingsustainable crop protec- use of these products. significant effect on yield andout and [recently launched] intion systems. It promotesThe committee reviewed tuber quality. Roxas, Isabela. [Were startingan integrated approach forscientific data provided by Metalaxyl is a well-knownto make] the farmers produc- crop protection policies andPlantwise officials on these and trusted chemistry andtive, competitive, and progres- practices within the frame- pesticide products and now with Xyler FC, farmerssive through the program,work of Sustainable Food anddeveloped comprehensive can use it in-furrow or foliarDar says. Agriculture. Through a seriesrisk assessments that examine mixed with liquid fertilizer,Under seed component,of meetings with officials ofthe potential effects of these with other chemistry or inFlordeliza Bordey, deputyDPP, CABIs Plantwise teamproducts and their ingredients all types of water sources.executive director for specialhas urged the departmenton the human population and It contains Vives Allosperseconcerns of Philippine Riceto enforce the regulations toenvironment. Thereafter the delivery system in a jugResearch Institute, says aboutminimize risks to agriculturalcommittee made the decision which eliminates the need for2 million bags of seeds are pro- production, natural resources,to phase out highly hazardous extra equipment or expensivecured as of Oct. 18 while moreand human health and safetypesticides subject to avail-blending agents, says Danthan 2,000 bags of certifiedby effectively managingability of safe alternatives. As Bihlmeyer, vice president ofseeds are now ready for distri- existing agricultural pests anda first step, the registration of Sales and Marketing at Vivebution. The RCEF seed moni- diseases. This task wont bepesticides falling under cat-Crop Protection. toring system is also in place. achieved without regulatingegories Ia and Ib of the WHO Xyler FC controls pythiumSeed distribution will peakthe red list chemicals. classification of hazardous leak and pink rot (phytoph- in November. Planning for wetTo conduct pesticide man- chemicals has been stopped. thora) in potatoes. Whenseason distribution in 2020agement including pesticideHowever, according to the mixed with AZteroid FC 3.3,and positioning of registeredregistration and residue control,DPPs deputy director, Allah the combination is the onlyseeds for the dry season inthe DPPs role is always crucial,Ditta Abid, their use will not fertilizer-compatible broad2020 are being worked out,leading the Plantwise teambe banned completely until spectrum package to controlshe says. to highlight the programmes2022, in Pakistan.SWDECEMBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /131'