b'NEW YEAR,But Bayer isnt the only companySolutions to Become Self-Sufficientworking on changing their mindsets.While organizations and companies are NEW SOLUTIONS John Wyffels, president and CEO ofworking to get their message out better Wyffels Hybrids, says Wyffels is changingto the consumer, some plant breeders are their ways of thinking to match what heworking on how their research can relate calls an independent mindset.better to the consumer. Sometimes, that Independent means that our inde- means bringing popular culture into plant pendent family ownership enables inde- breeding. pendent decision making, he says. ThatOne of Michael Kantars favorite things allows us to have a customer first mindsetis Netflix, because he enjoys binging long-as we manage the business. It allows us toform stories in one sitting. be in the field and have conversations withIn some waysgetting back to the grower and understand their needs.thinking about plant breeding, thinking Then, when were not meeting thoseabout academicsyou get to see that needs, we know where to do better. real longform story and it also remindsLeticia Gonalves, senior vice president Wyffels says that with this new, inde- me a bit of books, says Kantar, assistantand U.S. Country Division head of Bayer.pendent mindset comes new goals andprofessor at the University of Hawaii and new ideas.incoming chair of the plant breeding Weve come from a path where wecoordinating committee of the National had a vision of doubling the seed businessPlant Breeders Association (NAPB).in 2010, he says. We wanted to doublePlant breeding, such as these new in 10 years, and we actually hit thattechnologies like Netflix and Hulu, is goal ahead of time. Weve been able tomeant to make our lives better and easier accomplish that in the last five years, andas new breeding technologies progress. we are looking forward to setting anotherKantar says one reason he loves vision to continue growing the business.attending the NAPB conferences is get-As for the next goal, Wyffels alreadyting to learn some of the new, cutting-has something in mind.edge technologies during the conference Its really about reconfirming for ourtalks. His favorite portions? Hearing people and our customers and for thoseabout all the new U.S. Department of that we license technology from why weAgriculture grants. do what we do, he says. That is really You really get to see whats cutting focused on the American family farmeredge, what people are trying and all theJohn Wyffels, president and CEO of and taking my gandfathers initial visionthings that might be the best technol- Wyffels Hybrids. of helping those neighbors by improv- ogy, he says. Theres a lot of really great ing their crop, their production and theirtechnologies that you can apply, but it is profitability year after year. Our vision istough to apply when you are in a small to be the most respected brand in thelab. But a lot of these new pilot projects, seed business.new technologies that are implemented in Like Bayer, when it comes to new goalsa small scaleits so much fun to hear.and focusing on your vision, Wyffels saysBut, even if Kantars lab cant manage they need to double down on what valuesto implement the most cutting-edge are most important to the company.technology, he and his students are cur-Weve talked a lot about values inrently working on how plant breeding can terms of what are going to be the mosthelp adapt crops to climate change.important things for us as we build outMy lab is continuing to do a lot of team and our culture to be successful, hework with working on land races, work-says.ing on pre-breeding, trying to think about But values arent the only thingadaptation to climate change, he says. In organizations are looking at to change.the past we have done work in trying to Some organizations, while looking insideidentify genetic variances associated with themselves, instead look to become self- the adaptation of climate change. WeMichael Kantar, associate professor at sufficient with new technologies. are continuing that work in a number ofthe University of Hawaii. DECEMBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /37'