b'new winter-annual cash cover crop for use by the biofuela research agreement with Boise, Idaho-based J. R. industry. Researchers from Illinois State University, theSimplot Company, to evaluate three novel yield traits Ohio State University, the University of Wisconsin- in potato. Under the agreement with Yield10, Simplot Platteville and the University of Minnesota will joinplans to conduct research with these yield traits within Phippens team to refine this high-yield oilseed crop.its research and development program as a strategy to improve crop performance and sustainability.A global team including scientists from The University of Western Australia has assembled the first genomeSyngenta announced $2 billion will be spent over the of the field pea, which provides insight into how thenext five years to help farmers prepare for and tackle legume evolved and will help aid future improvementsthe increasing threats posed by climate change. The of the crop. The study, published in Nature Genetics,investment supports a new Syngenta sustainability has important implications for global nutrition and thegoal of delivering at least two technological sustainability of crops, with field peas providing anbreakthroughs to market each year, to reduce important plant-based protein source for human foodagricultures contribution to climate change, harness and animal feed. its mitigation capacity, and help the food system stay within planetary boundaries.BUSINESS NEWSIndigo Agriculture announces the launch of IndigoBASF Venture Capital and Canadas TELUS Ventures Acres, a comprehensive new offer for U.S. growersare among the lead investors in a series B investment transitioning to regenerative farming practices. Indigoround for British startup Hummingbird Technologies, is focused on delivering a portfolio of products anda global leader in advanced crop analytics. Other main services that can help improve grower profitability,investors include Saudi Agricultural and Livestock environmental sustainability, and consumer health;Investment Company (SALIC) and the British Indigo Acres brings this portfolio to the farmgate byinvestment firm Downing Ventures.offering a package that supports growers transition to regenerative practices. BASF and NRGene announced a research collaboration that includes the adoption of NRGenes National Sorghum Producers announced the additioncloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) technology into of Forage Genetics International, a subsidiary of LandBASF soybean research projects. The GenoMAGIC O Lakes, as a new Partner Level sponsor in the NSPtechnology will allow for more comprehensive Industry Partner program. evaluations to accelerate trait discovery and breeding across diverse crops.BASF and NRGene announced a research collaboration that includes the adoption of NRGenes cloud-basedMAS Seeds and Forage Genetics Internationalartificial intelligence (AI) technology into BASF soybeanannounced that they have entered into an agreement research projects. The GenoMAGIC technology will allowfor MAS Seeds to acquire Forage Genetics for more comprehensive evaluations to accelerate traitInternationals tropical corn breeding program. Buying discovery and breeding across diverse crops. the tropical corn breeding program of FGI strengthens MAS Seeds international development and breeding PanAmerican Seed announced the launch of a newcapacities.micro-website devoted to its HandPicked Vegetables, a collection of high-quality vegetables and herbs bredBarenbrug and KeyGene have joined forces to develop especially for those who supply fresh market farmersand produce rubber dandelion varieties and establish and home gardeners. The new handpickedveg.comthe sustainable production of natural rubber in Europe offers product information and resources to meet theunder the name Lion-Flex. With KeyGene contributing needs of these market segments to help them withhigh yielding breeding lines, knowledge, expertise and successful production. technology, the new joint venture has a strong starting position. Bayer announced three new DEKALB canola hybrids that are optimized for straight-cutting at harvest andMarrone Bio Innovations has acquired from Jet Harvest are designed specifically for Canadian canola growers.Solutions all rights and assets to the Jet Ag and Jet The 2020 DEKALB Straight Cut hybrids have traitsOxide product lines. Jet Ag and Jet Oxide are broad-tailored for improved pod integrity against severespectrum products used both for control of fungal and weather and a lower risk of yield loss. bacterial diseases and as disinfectants.Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. announced that it has signedArcadia Specialty Genomics announced plans for 136/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2019'