b'The 2019 Young Seedsman of the Year was awarded to Scott Emanuelli of Top Notch Seeds in Southern California. Old Business with New FacesThe Western Seed Associations annual meeting took a twist, bringing together the usual cast of characters and many new ones in an effort to reinvigorate dwindling membership and attendance.Julie Deering jdeering@issuesink.comONCE AGAIN,Kansas CityEmbedded in the associations historybetween the producers and the grower played home to the Western Seedis the recognition of young seedsmento generate quality products, Malin says. Associations annual meeting, whichand those pursuing their education. ThisHe always puts himself out there with brought together more than 770 seeds- year, the Western Seed Association gaveothers on a regular basis to create life-men and women Nov. 1-4 for business,14 scholarships to students representinglong business relationships, and to me networking and learning, but it wasnta number of universities and academicand this board of directors this demon-business as usual. paths from Rutgers to Texas Tech andstrates truly what a young seedsman is in For the past couple of years, thefrom agronomy and soil science tothe industry.Western Seed Associations board ofplant science and biotechnology andAfter a stint in corporate finance, directors has been focused on how toplant pathology. A full list of scholarshipEmanuelli joined Top Notch Seeds, a bring in more young professionals, sharesrecipients is available at westernseed.org. family-owned company founded in 2007. Matthew Malin of Desert Sun MarketingEach year, The Kurt AustermannToday Emanuelli serves as chief financial Company and who was president for theYoung Seedsman of the Year is awardedofficer and chief operating officer.2018-19 year. to an individual no older than 40 who isWe always strive to be the best at We know theyre with the companies,involved in the seed industry. This individ- what we do, he says. To me the young but in the past couple of years, weveual is involved in the association, enthu- seedsman has always been about making seen a lot of mergers and a lot fewersiastic about the industry and shows aeveryone around you better. Receiving people coming to these meetings, Malinwillingness to help and work with othersthis honor is exactly what we strive for says. Weve been asking, What canin the seed industry. everyday that we do business.we do? How can we interact with theThe 2019 Young Seedsman of the YearEmanuellis advice to other young companies to get them to start bringingaward honored Scott Emanuelli of Topseed professionals is to find passion and younger members and newer faces toNotch Seeds in Southern California. just follow it, followed closely by have these events to try and revitalize the asso- He is beyond enthusiastic when itintegrityits the most important thing ciation and this industry as a whole? comes to seeds. He works actively alongyou can do.SWMission accomplished! with his customers to manage the gap 102/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2019'