b'Where Does It Fit? BENJAMIN FORD HEAD OF CORN BREEDING, GREENLEAF GENETICSbenjamin.ford@syngenta.comsyngenta-us.com/greenleaf-geneticscsWHEN A BUSINESSwants to add an optical sorter to an existing facility, there are some immediate critical Where Does It Fit questions: Where does it fit into the flow of the existing production line ? Where does it fitShowing Up Ready into the available space ? There isnt always an obvious spot for the new equipment and the requisite supporting equipment.for the Big GameOptical sorters have so many capabilities enabling them to simultane-ously detect and sort for light and dark seeds, color defects, impurities, plus seed size and shape. These technological marvels can sort for just about any color in the spectrum. Where to place them in the production line is aTHE FACTS ABOUTfuture food security debated topic. Some operators want optical sorters placed before densityneeds are pretty striking. Experts predict that separation to throw away less good material. Others want to position thethe world will consume as much food in the optical after the density to allow the operator to see the trash pattern onnext 50 years as it has in the previous 10,000. the deck surface and set the gravity optically.What can we in the seed industry do to prepare? Optically set the gravity, thats a weird phrase, huh? Optical sorting isInnovation is key. not a replacement for density separation because they do vastly differentLike a coaching staff uses the preseason to things, although both machines can remove many of the same impuri- assess potential in their roster, scientists spend ties. Precision density separation is based on meaningful differences inyears evaluating corn hybrid parental lines, scout-test weights, essentially weighing the product with air to separate lightering and identifying potential and talent. This impurities, while optical sorting is based on the seeds visible differences,approach to research and development means removing impurities by tone, color, defect, size or shape. Optical sortingthat breeders cant be focused on coaching just combined with precision density separation provides the best defensea single team at one level. With hybrids in vari-against impurities that can occur from year to year. ous development stages, its similar to managing Is your product good enough to meet purity requirements, or could ana middle, high school, college and professional optical plus gravity combo improve your seed quality and help you standteam all at once. During those stages, breed-out from the competition ? Modern machines with touch screen controlsers are keeping a constant eye on two aspects allow an operator to store settings or recipes to provide a baseline startingof a hybridtheir maximum potential and risk. point for different crop conditions. This is a huge benefit when training newOur proprietary gene editing technology allows operators and getting started with each new crop, and helps whether youbreeders to take a great corn hybrid prospect are optical or density separating corn, soy, wheat, vegetables, sunflowers orand make targeted changes to eliminate weak-even hemp seed. Looking ahead, plans are afoot to incorporate automaticnesses and make improvements for key traits. sampling of discharge test weights into gravity separator calibration. Its a game-changing tool that can make great We have had the pleasure of working on manyhybrids even better.installations with Buhler-Sortex optical sortersThen theres predictive analytics. By pairing and Oliver Manufacturing density equip- genetic data with observed values, breeders ment. Regardless of Where it Fits, we cancan shape their team overall, making decisions recommend the best solution and ultimatelyabout what players stay and who gets cut from deliver what our customer asks.the roster. Breeders can use predictive analytics to consider the best products for today and the future. The return on investment for seed tech-nology is really key for farmers. Theyre looking for high performing and high yielding genetics. Syngenta has developed an open architec-ture model to search out the best parent lines and hybrids, regardless of where the innovation ROBIN OMARA comes from. We seek partnerships that illustrate PRESIDENT, our long view on performance and show our OMARA AG SERVICES commitment to putting the best team on the romara60@msn.com field. omara-ag.com50/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2019'