b'LIFTING Farmers agricultural trends, best practices, crop nutrients, crop protec-tion, fertilizer and seed treatments. There are seven factors that have changed corn yields in the past 50 years, says Fred Below, University of Illinois professor and Extension plant pathologist: After five years, a partnership focused onweather, nitrogen, hybrid choice, previous crop planted, plant in-furrow technologies evolves to be morepopulation, tillage decisions and plant growth regulators.To continue our yield trajectory, we need to grow more inclusive of newer technologies and productsplants but that will require narrower rows, better plant nutrition that benefit crop yields.and better hybrids, Below says. To do this, weve got to under-Julie Deering jdeering@issuesink.com stand how biologicals influence plant growth processes, nitrogen management in narrower rows and the best use of some of the new premium fertilizers.IT LAUNCHED IN2014 as a group of companies offeringThats what drives the research and the plots: the need for products that accompany the seed in the furrow at planting.a better understanding. West Central, through LIFT, is taking While the initiative is still going strong, its backed by differentthat information and making it available to retailers and farmers companies with a broadened focus and a new name, Leaders Inthrough the LIFT Academy. The academy focuses on emerging Farming Technologystill LIFT. trends, agronomy updates and training. Certified crop advisors Increased productivity is essential to agriculture, especiallycan also earn continuing education credits through courses and with the lower commodity prices we regularly face, says Deanquizzes offered by the LIFT Academy.SWHendrickson, West Central Distribution vice president of mar-keting. Our goal is to continue to share these innovative profitWHERE opportunities for growers and retailers to expand their business. ON THELearn more about LIFT at inthefurrow.com.LIFT has created an online platform focused on adjuvants,WEB28/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2019'