b'Taking the Slip Out of SlurriesWHEN WE TALKabout the accuracy of a seed treatment, weproduct. It ensures the slurries are built accurately before the are typically measuring a single product from a single pumpprocess is complete.stand and applying that to the seed. However, when it comes toIf the operator makes a mistake when adding one product, it reporting the accuracy of each ingredient within a seed treat- will force a reconciliation to bring all the products within toler-ment slurry mix, its typically a black hole. ance. What weve learned is operators find this an incredible With slurries, you may have up to five or more productshelp. Its helping to improve efficiency and preventing operators added together in a single mix and theres never been a way tofrom having to do math on the fly and from making an acciden-say or show the applicator accuracy of the raw ingredients oftal and costly mistake. Were really taking the slip out of slurry that slurry onto the seed. Nobody is without error; we all havemaking, and then were able to report on this so operators, cus-bad days every once in a while. What if the operator made a mis- tomers and owners know exactly whats on their seed. And that take or had a miscalculation when they were adding or mixingshould give everyone confidence.products?It all comes back to transparency and helping your team be Through the years, companies have provided guides to helpas accurate as possible. This leads to better products, happier users with the process and accuracy of creating slurries. Thesecustomers and better profits.tools usually come in the form of an Excel sheet or a web-based calculator, and they help the operator to know how much of each product to use based on user inputted product application rates and desired overall slurry size.All this works fineexcept, if we run into a situation where the operator makes a mistake and they add too much of one product or not enough of another. As an industry, weve never been able to report on the raw ingredients of a slurry and the total accuracy of the slurry when it is applied to the seed through a single control system. Until now. This is a challenge that we at KSi have been focused on solving. For the past two years, weve been pilot-ing our KSi AutoTreat systems with an onboard slurry building and tracking tool. This not only helps the operator build slurries accurately because they can put in a recipe and tell the system that multiple products will be applied from a single pump stand, which will drive the creation of a slurry, but it also walks the user through, add this product and then this product and then this JASON KAEB DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, KSI CONVEYORS @jasonkaeb_ksiJasonKaeb@ksiconveyors.comKSiConveyors.com54/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2019'