b'ourselves paying the price. IfGoSeed produces and sellsSTATUS UAE State for Food Security, says: beekeepers adopt new prac- high quality breeder and foun- On the occasion of World"Despite challenges related tices now to mitigate againstdation seed of these crops toFood Day, marked at theto scarcity of water resources this threat, they will be makingseed producers in the seedUnited Nations\' Food andand arable land, we have a significant investment insystem in Nigeria and acrossAgriculture Organization inbegun to see Agtech solutions their future. Africa at affordable prices.Rome, Her Excellency Mariamgain traction in the UAE. The Using a model which drewWorking with seed experts,bint Mohammed Saeed HarebFoodTech Challenge works on existing research andseed producers, seed regula- Almheiri, UAE Minister of Statetowards the goal of attracting satellite data, the research- tors, and other stakehold- for Food Security, spoke tobright minds and encouraging ers identified the ideal soilers across the various valuethe significance of global foodinnovators from around the temperature and moisturechains, IITA GoSeed ensuressecurity challenges and theirworld to take part in shap-preferred by the beetles. the movement of seed toimpact on future generations. ing the future of sustainable The research revealedfarmers to help transformAppealing to universityfood systems. We believe that that as temperatures rise intheir productivity, income, andstudents, early-stage start- by setting this challenge in large parts of the northernlivelihoods. ups and tech incubators inmotion, and delivering results hemisphereincluding theAccess to clean, improvedadvanced urban farming mar- through Agtech solutions, we Netherlandsconditions willvarieties of seed is a majorkets from around the world,can create a replicable model become increasingly con- challenge to achieving highthe Minister revealed plans byfor the world."ducive to the pupation andproductivity and profitabilitythe UAE government to findApplications for the establishment of the smallin agricultural production ininnovative solutions across theFoodTech Challenge will hive beetle. Furthermore, ifAfrica. Improved seed vari- food value chain through anremain open until February soil temperatures increase,eties may be unavailable,open call-for-submissions to2020, when submissions will the beetle may be able to gosold at high prices, or sold inthe "FoodTech Challenge." be shortlisted and the top through more reproductiveadulterated forms to small- Open to applicants10 teams will present their cycles in a year, increasingholder farmers in rural areas,from around the world, thebusiness cases at an awards the impact. But should thethereby promoting the use ofFoodTech Challenge seeksceremony held at New York beetle arrive here right now,farmer-saved seed. This hascommercially viable solutionsUniversity Abu Dhabi in April its uncertain as to whether itcontributed to consistentlythat promote sustainable2020. A panel of judges would be able to successfullylow yields and poor incomefood practices and stimulateincluding Agtech industry establish itself and survive. levels, increased rural poverty,domestic food production inexperts will select four win-and underdevelopment in thethe UAE. At the end of theners across two categories: sector. competition, four teams willhousehold farming and com-STATUS NIGERIA IITA GoSeed is passion- be awarded against a $1 mil- munity farming.IITA GoSeed, a unit of the IITAate about improving farmerslion prize pool. Entrants can submit their Business Incubation Platformaccess to clean seed andLaunched by His Highnessapplications via www.food-(BIP), is launching the firstcreating a viable seed eco- Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashidtechchallenge.com. SWe-commerce website insystem in Nigeria and acrossAl Maktoum, Vice President Nigeria soon, making breederAfrica. This first e-commerceand Prime Minister of the and foundation seed of thesite for breeder and founda- UAE and Ruler of Dubai, the best varieties of importanttion seed of the best varietiesFoodTech Challenge is an food crops available. in Nigeria will take away theinitiative of the UAE Food IITA GoSeed is responsibleheadache of locating a sourceSecurity Office in partnership for the commercial promotionof quality seed, and the stresswith Tamkeen, an Abu Dhabi-of the early generation seedof traveling from one partbased company mandated to of improved crop varietiesof the country to another todeliver projects to meet the generated by IITA and otherpurchase seed. Locations ofUAE\'s vision of knowledge-international (CGIAR) centersIITA GoSeedfields can bebased development.across the globe. Focus cropsaccessed on the Seed TrackerSpeaking on World include banana and plantain,via the website. After orderingFood Day, H.E. Mariam bint cassava, cowpea, maize,online, buyers have the optionMohammed Saeed Hareb rice, soybean, and yam. IITAof pick-up or home delivery. Almheiri, UAE Minister of DECEMBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /133'