b'ODDS & ENDS FROM 1958 The Seed Branch off the USDA has released a bulletin on sor- grass, a proposed term for the rhizomatous derivatives of Johnson People will spend anywheregrass and Sorghum vulgare. According to the Department of from two to 20 or more dollarsAgriculture, the rhizomatous forms of Johnsongrass and sudan-for a bird house or bird feeder.grass crosses are something new; the non-rhizomatous forms Theyll spend money for suetare simply regarded as sudangrass or sorghum depending upon as well as for regular bird seed;whichever they resemble.and many of them have several bird feeder stations located inA new wheelbarrow design lawn spreader is being introduced various parts of their yard ifby Northrup, King and Co. It enables homeowners to spread they have the trees in which toseed and fertilizer uniformly in hard-to-reach places under place them, which they keepbushes, near walls, and on slopes and converts quickly into a well supplied with food.handy garden cart for use between spreading chores. Our best quality of wheat grain is produced when the weatherThe corn drying principle of using reversible heated air in large is cool during the filling period. It is possible that much of ourvolumes was developed by Campbell Heating Co. and results corn grain this year is comparable to hard vitreous wheat grainin maximum use of the air before it is discharged to the atmos-and, therefore, has protein scattered through the starch in thephere, thereby gaining maximum efficiency and uniform drying.endosperm making for slow drying. Through years of natural selection many weak and undesirable The Seed Branch of the United States Department of Agricultureplants were eliminated by disease, insect pests, adverse weather (USDA) has noted that grain sorghum seed is becoming more andconditions and competition from weeds and small grains. more frequently advertised as milo, when the varieties, includ- Survivors of this natural selection were tested under experimen-ing hybrids, are not in fact milo. This practice is in violation of thetal conditions for about another 10 years and the result is the federal seed act.present release of a new variety.SWDownload the Seed World Mobile App For Free!Sponsored by:Stay connected and engaged with all the latest news trending in the global seed industry.Features: Easy click or swipe menu navigationCurrent stories at a glance iOS and Android mobile and tablet versionsEnlarged text for easy readingDOWNLOAD DOWNLOADFOR IPHONE FOR ANDROIDScan the code withScan the code with your mobile device toyour mobile device to download our app! download our app!DECEMBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /143'