b'Investing in Sorghums RETIREMENT PLANFinding more genetic diversity in sorghum is aninvestment today that will payout in the long run. Laura Handke laurahandke117@hotmail.comFOR SARAH SEXTON-BOWSER,A seemingly less popular crop, with his- in Griffin, Ga., is home to over 100,000 managing director for the Center fortorically lower research funding in relationaccessions of preserved plant germ-Sorghum Improvement, genetic diversityto corn and soybeans, grain sorghum holdsplasm including the largest collection of in cash-crop germplasm is analogous toa wealth of untapped potential for not onlysorghum germplasm in the world. Of the a retirement portfolio. She shares thatthe farmer, but for the livestock feed and100,000 more than 40% are sorghum; an investment in crop diversity today willhuman consumption markets, as well.a fact Unit Research Leader, Melanie pay dividends in the future.Genetic diversity in a plant populationHarrison attributes to the crops increasing When I think about the crops I plantis important for a host of reasons and ispopularity. on my farm or the types of investments Iparamount to preservation, performanceSorghum is just one of the crops help farmers make in sorghum as a crop,and stewardship in an agricultural system.that we maintain at this location, but we it isnt a lot different than my retirementGenetic diversity amongst accessionshave over 45,000 unique populations investment portfolio, she says. We needallows a timely response to new pests andof sorghum that we maintain, she says. to be investing in and developing sor- diseases that may arise in the U.S. crop byAnd, on average, we distribute between ghum genetics that have near-term deliv- allowing researchers the flexibility of look- 10,000-12,000 accessions of sorghum a erables, understanding how sorghum as aing at several pools of genetic lines whenyear.crop is best managed and fits into a crop- searching for resistance.ping system for sustainability, and alsoToday, the U.S. Department ofMaking a Case for Diversitytargeting what longer-term investmentsAgriculture (USDA), Plant GeneticAside from being a timely response in genetic improvement will provide.Resources Conservation Unit locatedmechanism to counter diseases and 56/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2019'