b'WHATS YOUR STATE OF MIND?Mental health advocates are helping ensure an important conversation happens in Americas ag community. Marc Zienkiewicz mzienkiewicz@issuesink.comMENTAL HEALTH ADVOCACY hashtag has helped people deal with an and technology have come togetherissue that Hohmann points out has always to help begin a crucial conversation inexisted, but which people often dont feel Americas agriculture community andcomfortable talking about.beyond. That is changing, and fast.The #FarmStateOfMind initiative byTheres been so much more aware-Bayers Acceleron portfolio is helpingness over the last yearwere seeing a people use social media to encouragevery drastic change in the comfortability farmers and the agriculture industry inamong growers in terms of talking about general to talk more about mental health.mental health, says Adrienne DeSutter, Its part of a wider effort to help reducea former counselor who serves as a con-stigma and encourage everyone affectedsultant with the Acceleron portfolio.by mental health concerns to take care ofWe know yields have been hurt in a themselves and seek the help they needlot of areas, crops wiped out, and things to deal with the often-tough business thatwe cant control like weather, prices and is farming and agriculture in general. trade are affecting everyone. People can Farming has always been highrelate more to those worries than they didA.J. Hohmann, U.S. marketing manager at stressthats nothing newbut thisbefore. Bayer SeedGrowth, says mental health is a year especially, conditions escalatedAccording to statistics from thehuge elephant in the room that doesnt beyond what they normally do, says A.J.Acceleron portfolio, mental illness affectsget spoken about enough.Hohmann, U.S. marketing manager at1 of out every 5 adults. One in 3 farmers Bayer SeedGrowth, who is spearheadingare not comfortable talking about their the #FarmStateOfMind initiative. Thismental health due to the stigma associ-planting season was hard with all the rainated with it. Over 53% of rural areas in the and flooding, but that snowballed intoUnited States have a shortage of mental fluctuating markets and all kind of otherhealth professionals. stressors that affect everyone in ourBy its very nature, farmers are in a industry. Its the perfect storm for mentalcareer that is rather isolated in terms of health concerns. lifestyle, DeSutter adds. When we real-But mental health, he points out, is aize were in it together, it makes us feel huge elephant in the room that in the pastmore comfortable talking about it.hasnt been talked about enough. Within the Acceleron portfolio, weHaving the Conversationthought it the right moment to bringGetting more comfortable with the some dialogue to this and let peoplemental health conversation is something know they are not alone, he says. Wehappening north of the border as well. all deal with stress. Every segment of ourIn Canada, the launch of the Do More industry has felt the effects of whatsAgriculture Foundation (Do More Ag)Adrienne DeSutter is a former counselor going on out there, right from the farmerin January 2018 has helped growerswho serves as a consultant with Bayers to the large multinational companies. there engage in conversations surround- Acceleron portfolio. She says awareness of Since the campaign launched in Juneing stress, self-care and how to accessmental health challenges is increasing at a of this year, the #FarmStateOfMindresources when needed. rapid rate.108/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2019'