b'species, most notably pepper. But whattheir intention was to show how the seed were trying to do is take a little bit of aindustry is having open discussions with different spin on breeding in some ways.the global agriculture community and We are trying to figure out the smallestconsumers.possible breeding program that will beWe have open discussions, and were self-sufficient. engaging with a broader audience, he To determine this, Kantar says theyresays. The idea is really that we as a seed working with community partners to trysector cannot do it alone. We need to do and figure out exactly what a small breed- it with our partnerswith the interna-ing program needs, and how much of ational organizations, governments, NGOs, market a particular cultivar supports, asfarmer associations and the food and well as if its something that a consumerfeed value chainto be able to achieve would buy. our vision in the end. Whats our vision? Its nothing new, but we are tryingIt is making quality seed accessible to to hit a single instead of a home run, heall, supporting sustainable agriculture says.Andy LaVigne, CEO of ASTA. and food security. Therefore, the theme is really doing it together in an open-Changing the Consumers View minded, collaborative spirit. Some organizations, like the AmericanKeller says one of the most important Seed Trade Association (ASTA) and thethings the seed sector and ISF can do International Seed Federation (ISF) arenow is engage. working on the message theyre send- Our sector needs to engage and ing out to the communitybut not justinformwe need to engage with con-the seed community. Both organizationssumers, we need to engage with the are working on getting a wider messagemedia to explain where we are coming about the seed industry out to the con- from, what we are doing and what our sumer as well.contribution is to sustainable agriculture One project ASTA has been workingand food security, he says. Therefore, on for the entire year is a collaborativeengagement is important, communica-project with Biotechnology Innovationtion is important and collaboration is Organization (BIO) called Innovatureaimportant. platform for a dialogue about innovationOne way ISF believes they can engage in food and agriculture, with a currentmore is by putting focus on how the focus on gene editing.Michael Keller, Secretary General of ISF. seed industry is currently working in the We created Innovature to have aarea of the United Nations Sustainable conversation, says Andy LaVigne, CEO ofDevelopment Goals (SDGs). ASTA. We realized in working with BIO,for our program moving forward. Seed is the starting point of all crop that we need to talk about the evolutionWe are a joint community when youproduction, Keller says. When you look of breeding thats going on out there.think of it, LaVigne says. The animalsat the SDGs, many of themlike zero LaVigne says that Innovature is meanthave to have something to eat. We arehunger, no poverty, life on land, climate to connect communities to help foster aproducing the crops from the seeds thatactionare inseparable from our vision conversation with the consumer aboutour brethren in the livestock communityof food security and sustainable agricul-agriculture innovation and the potential it whether poultry or cattle or dairy ture. This has been our works purpose holds to address some of societies big- need to feed those animals to keep themover the previous decades.gest challenges, from climate change tohealthy and to raise them and bring themI think the seed sector is strategi-food security.to market. Its a very connected commu- cally positioned to contribute further We realize the ongoing research andnity, and we believe a lot of the scienceto zero hunger, no poverty, and climate discovery that has been done to helpis very similar as we look at the produce,action. That is also what were saying to us better understand plant genetics isgrass and forage, conservation and all thethe governmentswe need everyone important to convey to the consumer andother seed markets. on the national level to have the right to the influencers that are out there in theAs for ISF, theyve been hard at workdiscussions, the right set of regulations food world today, so that they understandengaging with more actors in the agri- and supply chain markets for the farm-and can communicate to their audiences,culture value chain. At this years Worlders, Keller continues. This is how we will he says. We see this as a great platformSeed Congress, the theme was calledcontinue to innovate, to provide access to to talk about our planet, our health andWhere Knowledge Flows, and Michaelquality seeds to farmers, and to contrib-our food. Those are the three key pillarsKeller, Secretary General of ISF, says thatute what we can at our level.SW38/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2019'