b'PARTNER CONTENT9930 N. 134th StreetWaverly, Nebraska 68462Phone: (402) 786-2400 Fax: (402) 786-2405E-mail: information@kamterter.comKamterter named 2020 FarMore Vision Award WinnerT he goal of every fruit and vegetableSyngentas FarMore FI500 Onion seed grower ultimately is to coax maxi- treatment. mum value out of each crop whileFarMore FI500 Onion was developed creating a sustainable business model.as a complete disease and insect control Strong partnerships across the industrypackage for onion growers, Potter says. provide the essential support growers needThe product contains three active ingre-to make that happen. dients for disease control and two active For dedication to providing that essen- ingredients for insect control. tial support, Syngenta recognized Kam- FarMore FI500 Onion was developed terter, an independently owned productin 2012 and is part of the line that includes development and seed enhancementFarMore F300, FarMore F400 Watermelon, service company based in Nebraska, withFarMore FI400 Brassica, FarMore FI400 Cur-the 2020 FarMore Vision Award. curbits, FarMore FI400 Leafy, FarMore FI500 Kamterter is a strong supporter ofOnion, FarMore OI100 seed treatments and FarMore Technology and a role model forTrigard insecticide.Syngentas vision for grower support,FarMore FI500 is highly effective be-said Shawn Potter, Head of Marketing forThe value of companies such as Kamtertercause it controls soilborne diseases, such Syngenta Seedcare. Partnerships withProducts cannot be overestimated, saysas Pythium and Rhizoctonia, and guards companies like Kamterter help us deliverShawn Potter, Head of Marketing foragainst stand and yield robbing insects, on our promise to bring innovative tech- Syngenta Seedcare. Kamterters dedicationsuch as seedcorn maggots, onion maggots nology to the field. to quality and customer support isand onion thrips.Syngentas FarMore Vision Award isfoundational for grower success. Seed treatment decisions are a criti-presented to companies that display excel- cal piece in creating value for the fruit and lence in their commitment to growers andprovider, Kamterter has a primary missionvegetable grower, says Petersen. Syn-their contributions to the seed treatmentof helping those involved in the fruit andgentas FarMore seed treatment packages industry. Kamterter brings a new genera- vegetable industry get the most value fromhave proven critical in creating value for tion of seed priming, seed lot refinementtheir seeds. the grower and this is reflected in the rapid and seed coating technologies and ser- Kamterter works with leading seedgrowth of Kamterters FarMore treatment vices to the industry.dealers and breeder producers throughoutprogram.Kamterter is honored to receive Syn- the fruit and vegetable industry. Flower,We appreciate Syngenta as a crop pro-gentas FarMore Vision Award for 2020,agronomic, turf and reclamation seed en- tection treatment partner and look forward says Chris Petersen, president and directorhancement services are also available. to continuing work with them to serve crop of research, Kamterter Products, L.L.C. AsOne of the cornerstones of Kamtertersprotection needs in the fruit and vegetable a seed enhancement and coating serviceofferings is its onion seed, treated withindustry, Petersen adds. FarMore Technology is an on-seed application of separately registered seed protection products and proprietary application technologies.DECEMBER 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /97'