b'A look at seed industry developments around the globe.for the creation, maintenanceback to 0.3% and of the pos- transit, trading, development,government funding ear-and repair of these machines.sibility to establish marketingmanufacture, production andmarked to transform the UKs To ensure a safe and hygienicstandards for hemp. transfer of food and agricul- food chains, the 5 million return to work, the CerealThis vote represents atural products containingCentre for Doctoral Training Systems Initiative for Southmajor achievement for the0.9% or more componentswill be led from the National Asia Mechanization ExtensionEuropean hemp sector as,derived from bioengineering.Resources Institute at the Activity (CSISA-MEA) pro- if confirmed by the Council,The report contains the unof- University of Greenwich.vided water tanks with hand- these two provisions will have aficial translation of said law.Mark Wilkinson, one of the washing points and knapsackmajor impact on the develop- A date for enforcement hasteam of Rothamsted Research sprayers to 50 workshopsment of European hemp busi- yet to be announced. The lawscientists involved, says World employing 1,624 staff in Boguranesses. On the one hand, thelays down the standards andFood Day was a fitting time and Jashore to disinfect theincrease of THC level wouldregulations for maintaining theto announce the exciting workshops and tools. Toallow new varieties to entersafety and quality of food topartnership.create awareness on COVID-19the market and to be bred,ensure the protection of publicFood systems are com-prevention and guide staff onresulting in a better adapta- health and consumers. Theplex networks of people and using the handwashing pointstion of the crops to the climaticlaw imposes strict penalties foractivities that are responsible and sprayer, the CSISA-MEAconditions of the different EUcompanies endangering foodfor ensuring that we all have team distributed low textterritories. On the other hand,safety across the UAE. In fact,safe, healthy and affordable graphics-based user guidesthe possibility to establishno food could be importedfood every day. For a sustain-and WHO designed flyers.marketing standards wouldfor the first time withoutable food future, however, we The flyers also show staff thetranslate into a significantapproval of Ministry of Climatewill need cross disciplinary precautions they should takeincrease of quality and stand- Change and Environment. Theresearch that can approach at home to prevent COVID-19ardisation of hemp products,Ministry through its Nationalthe multiple challenges our infection. The relatively smallas well as a clear regulatoryFood Safety Committee worksproduction systems face from investments in equipmentframework covering a wideto implement law on safetyall angles. We are delighted, and provision of informationrange of aspects. Marketingto ensure high standards oftherefore, to have this oppor-provided through this USAID- standards encompasses salessafety throughout food chain.tunity to collaborate with such supported activity has helpeddescriptions, classificationAbu Dhabi Agriculture anda variety of partners in the 50 small companies operatecriteria, presentation, labelling,Food Safety Authority is thedevelopment of new talent safely in the pandemic. Thepackaging, product character- authority which authenticatesto help deliver greater impact new equipment and practicesistics, specific substances usedfood safety in the emiratefrom our agricultural science.allow them to make and repairand farming methods, amongof Abu Dhabi and certifiesCalled the Partnership the machinery that keeps agri- others. These exist already forthat the food is fit for humanfor Sustainable Food Futurecultural production running inmost agricultural productsconsumption. It conductsCentre for Doctoral Training, Bangladesh and contributes toincluding wine, fruit, vegeta- the vital research and studiesalongside the National ensuring national food security. bles and olive oil, and it is thuson safe food practices andResources Institute and just fair to add hemp to the list. issues rules, regulations andRothamsted, the consortium The European Industrialstandards on the food itemswill also call on the skills and STATUS NETHERLANDS Hemp Association (EIHA) isthat could be sold and fit forexperience of experts from The European Parliamenttruly happy about the outcomehuman consumption. University College London, voted on its negotiating posi- of the vote in the ParliamentRoyal Veterinary College, tion regarding the three regula- and strongly encourages theAberystwyth University, City tions that shape the CommonCouncil to take on the propos- STATUS UK University, University of Sussex, Agricultural Policy (CAP). Thisals put forward by the legisla- A consortium of nine UK uni- and Brunel University London. text will be object of negotia- tive body of the EU. versities and research insti- Also involved is horticultural tions with the Commission andtutes are to create a joint PhDresearch institute NIAB EMR, the Council, aiming at find- training centre focused onand over 50 other partners ing a common position to beSTATUS UAE developing the next genera- from across business, govern-adopted next year. MEPs votedThe United Arab Emirates hastion of interdisciplinary foodment, and civil society. SWin favour of the increase of THCpassed a new law regulatingsystems experts.level on the field from 0.2%the import, export, re-export,Part of 47.5 million of UK 122/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'