b'A look at seed industry developments around the globe.Australia launches aSTATUS AUSTRALIA has committed more thanvarieties that improve and national chickpea breedingA national chickpea breeding$22.6 million over five yearsenhance the competitiveness program would be launchedto a core breeding agreementof their farming operations program and EU Parliamentfrom the NSW Department ofwith Agriculture and Agri- while maintaining Canadas votes on its positionPrimary Industries TamworthFood Canada (AAFC) for thereputation for providing qual-regarding the CommonAgricultural Institute under adevelopment of wheat varie- ity wheat for markets around $30 million plan to boost pro- ties. The agreement ensuresthe globe.Agricultural Policy. duction and exports, Ministerthat farmers will benefit from for Agriculture Adam Marshallnew premium wheat varieties announced. and associated genetics fromSTATUS GHANAMarshall said the ChickpeaAAFCs breeding program forAbout 300,000 smallholder Breeding Australia (CBA)many years to come. farmers in the northern parts program would be a 5-yearThe CWRC assumedof the country are to receive partnership between the NSWresponsibility for producerimproved certified seeds Government and the Grainsfunding of wheat vari- within the next two years to Research and Developmentetal development from thehelp increase their crop yields Corporation (GRDC). Western Grains Researchand incomes.Our states produc- Foundation, which includesThe assistance from ers account for 44% of theworking with AAFC to providethe Alliance for a Green nations chickpea production,the capacity needed to deliverRevolution in Africa (AGRA) so there is no better place toimproved genetics and profit- is to support the National launch this program than inability to producers. The $22.6Seed Trade Association of regional NSW, Marshall says. million commitment of pro- Ghana (NASTAG) under the We see pulses as anducer funding is an increase ofStrengthening the Ghana industry ripe for growth and$2.6 million over the previ- Seed System to Enhance Chickpea Breeding Australiaous agreement. The fundingQuality Seed Delivery to will give our farmers an edgewill provide further supportFarmers project.over their global counterpartsfor plant breeders, techni- The $376,801.76 project, through the development ofcians, and specialists who arewhich runs between October new chickpea varieties, andworking to deliver field-ready2020 and September 2022 by increasing yield, qual- wheat varieties to westernis aimed at improving food ity and disease resistance. Canadian farmers. and nutrition security and the Chickpeas offer great advan- The activities being con- incomes of smallholder farmers.tages to growers - demandducted by Canadian research- It will help deliver high qual-for plant-based proteins isers and wheat breeders suchity certified seeds of hybrid rising, they are an excellentas those at AAFC have led tomaize, cowpea, groundnut and crop rotation potential inmajor innovations over thesoybean to the beneficiary northern regions of NSW,past few decades, includingfarmers to plant to increase chickpeas allow nitrogen fixa- the development of severaltheir yields per acre and farm tion for following crops andnew wheat varieties withincomes.there are firm prices. improved genetics and more desirable traits, says Fred Greig, CWRC board chair andSTATUS INDIASTATUS CANADA a director with the ManitobaAgricultural production in The Canadian WheatCrop Alliance. Building onBangladesh is heavily depend-Research Coalition (CWRC),the work funded by farmersent on machines for land prep-a collaboration of thethrough organizations such asaration, irrigation, pest control, Alberta Wheat Commission,the Western Grains Researchharvesting and transport. Small Saskatchewan WheatFoundation, this investmententerprises that make up the Development Commission,will ensure Canadian farm- light engineering sector in and Manitoba Crop Alliance,ers benefit from new wheatBangladesh are responsible 120/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'