b'PARTNER CONTENTMoney Doesnt Grow on Trees,but It Does Grow in FieldsI magine all you could do if time andsoftware analyzes the results, providing money werent determining factors.genotypic calls and allele ratios, produc-Would you opt to hit a fancy resortsing a ready-to-action report. white sand beach for weeks at a time; may- Why choose Agriplex? We offer: be fill long afternoons cruising in a flashyFlexibility: Customers can choose new car? The reality, as we all know, is thatanalysis of between 50 and 3,500 SNPs, time and money are factors in lifeandadding or subtracting SNPs as needed. You in business too.can use PlexSeq as a full service through If money grew on trees and timeour lab or as a kit in yours. was unlimited, then crop and livestockTimeliness: We guarantee results in breeders and researchers might choosefour to six weeks. That said, because we first to spend big money on high densityunderstand that in agriculture sometimes chip-based arrays. Next they wouldeven days matter, we can in certain cases invest an enormous amount of timeprovide results in a customized timeline. analyzing the overwhelming datasetsCustomer service: Businesses like ours that come from interrogating a largedepend on each and every customer rela-number of SNPs. Butand this is thetionship. Thats why we ensure that our critical questionwould it do theirservice meets your unique needs. If you businesses the most possible good?call us, well answer every time. In fact, ex-At Agriplex Genomics, our goal is topect that well be reaching out to you too. provide fit-for-purpose throughput. WeScott Weigel is one of the foundingAt the front end well work to understand were one of the first companies to bridgepartners and VP of Sales & Marketing atyour business. Throughout your project, the agriculture industrys gap betweenAgriPlex Genomics. well stay in touch to keep you updated. single-plex assays and high-density ar- Finally, at the back end well follow-up to rays. Rather than looking at either a verycomplex, time-consuming protocol. Inensure that the results we provided met small number of SNPs with many samples,comparison, our extraction methods areyour needs. or the inverse, we aim for the mid-rangefar simpler than others, yet still produceHigh success rate: We guarantee a sweet spot. Targeting anywhere from 50reliable results.high percentage of data return. Using the to 3,500 loci allows us to provide research- When it comes to sequencing, we offerpower of next-generation sequencing, ers with enough information to be useful,further efficiency. Our technology bypass- our technology produces accurate results but not so much that actionable results getes complicated library preparation. In- every time. lost in a mass of data. stead of analyzing each sample separately,Best value: Our multiplexing capability The right number of SNPs in conjunc- we combine them into a single large pool.provides cost-effective results that im-tion with our PlexSeq technology trans- Our amplicon-based sequencing technol- prove your workflow and maximize your lates into a more cost-effective workflow.ogy can simultaneously screen thousandsprograms ultimate success. The key to our cost-effective results is thatof samples on a single sequencer run. OurWhether youre a mid-sized seed com-our technology is impressively simple.software, downstream from the sequenc- pany or a large producer, partnering with Heres how: ing, also simplifies the analytical step.Agriplex Genomics will help you harvest Traditional sequencing requires a highPlexSeqs informatics are automatic: rath- the best possible product from your crops level of DNA quality and depends on aer than producing raw data, our PlexCalland livestock. DECEMBER 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /77'