b'decision, but indicated it was likely to do so sometime this fall in order to give farm-ers enough time to make informed buying decisions in a timely manner.Were anxious to see that, Dillon says.Based on our knowledge, we antici-pate there will be a federal label for dicamba usage in over-the-top applica-tions for soybeans of some type. What that looks like as far as cutoff dates, setbacks, restrictions, additives, we dont know. Of course, we may have additional state-by-state implications as well that cant be contemplated until the federal label is out and states can think about how they want to react or adjust.Dillons best advice to soybean grow-ers when it comes to protection is to make sure they incorporate both a fungicide and insecticide into whatever their seed treat-ment plan is. An insecticide is important, he says, because it provides early protec-tion against predators such as bean leaf beetles which can be problematic in early planting situations.The fungicide protects against a wide range of seedling diseasesShawn Conley. Nathan Popiel.a producer may face in any given year.From a trait standpoint, Dillon says his company is particularly excited aboutHe says one of the biggest issues foran effective pre-emergent herbicide its Enlist E3 soybean trait technologysoybean producers heading into 2021 isupfront and a combination of effective package which delivers three herbicideherbicide-resistant weeds, particularly inchemistries in-season, coupled with other tolerances (2,4-D choline, glyphosatehotter climates like the southern U.S. cultural weed management strategies.and glufosinate). The transgenic soybeanThat concern has been compounded,Another factor soybean producers event in Enlist E3 soybeans was jointlyhe says, by the fact the EPA is reviewingshould consider is seeding rate. Conley developed by Dow AgroSciences andsome herbicide technologies and growerssays some growers are cutting back seed-M.S. Technologies. First introduced in thewerent sure what tools might be availableing rates to help trim input costs. That United States in 2019, it accounted for 20%to them as they began preparing for nextnormally isnt an issue since a modest of U.S. acres in 2020 and the company isseason. cut likely wont result in a lower yield, he expecting that number could rise to 30%I think the EPA will allow this technol- explains, but problems can arise when the in 2021. ogy because theres too much moneyseeding rate is pushed too far.Those three herbicide modes of actioninvested in it for it not to be out there. IWhen its cut back too far that can give the farmer some flexibility. Were bigthink what will happen is just a narrowerbe a concern because (soybean plants) fans of flexibility and multiple modes ofapplication window, he says, adding thatare competition for the weeds. They need action, he says.any limitation in technology use couldto balance their seed rate with whatever We feel very confident about whatpotentially have an impact on the availabil- weed management system they have. that trait package can do for the farmer.ity of some traited seed. Conley stressesDont cut back so far that you are losing a We dont see any concern with how itthat overall seed availability isnt likely totool to help manage the weeds, he says.works with the germplasm, so we feelbe a concern even with more soybean really good about the productivity gained.expected to be planted in 2021. Focus on Weed ControlFarmers can match up the best germ- Conley says its up to individual grow- Nathan Popiel, an agronomy service rep-plasm available with this leading trait anders to choose the trait package that bestresentative for Syngenta in Bismarck, N.D., really get out there in a material way. caters to the needs of their operation.agrees that weed control will be a primary However, he urges growers to avoid rely- focus for most soybean producers in 2021. Resistance Concerns ing solely on just a single effective modeThats largely due to ongoing weed resist-Shawn Conley is a soybean and wheatof action, regardless of the trait platformance issues and the uncertainty over the extension specialist with the Department ofthey purchase. It is vital to take an inte- use of certain products such as dicambas. Agronomy at the University of Wisconsin.grated approach that incorporates bothIts particularly a concern for produc-86/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'