b'Sharpening Tools for Gene EditingAmidst the debate about gene-editing, the two creators of CRISPR were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.Alex MartinON OCT. 7,the Royal Swedish Academy offoundly powerful engineering technology that gives Sciences announced that the winner of 2020snew hope and possibility to our society, Doudna said Nobel Prize in Chemistry was two women forin a release from the University of California Berkley. the development of a method for gene editing:What started as a curiosity-driven, fundamental Emmanuelle Charpentier from the Max Planck Unit fordiscovery project has now become the breakthrough the Science Pathogens and Jennifer Doudna from thestrategy used by countless researchers working to help University of California Berkley.improve the human condition. I encourage continued Together, Charpentier and Doudna discovered onesupport of fundamental science as well as public dis-of gene editings sharpest tools: CRISPR-Cas9, a pair ofcourse about the ethical uses and responsible regula- Emmanuelle genetic scissors that can change the DNA of plants,tion of CRISPR technology. Charpentier.microorganisms and even animals with extreme precision.Not only are plant breeders excited about this, but There is enormous power in this genetic tool, whichthe global seed industry is echoing this excitement affects us all, said Claes Gustafsson, chair of the Nobelabout CRISPR. Committee for Chemistry. It has not only revolutionizedOn behalf of the global seed sector, I would like to basic science, but also resulted in innovative crops andexpress our congratulations to Charpentier and Doudna will lead to ground-breaking new medical treatments. for their revolutionary work, Michael Keller, secretary According to the Nobel Prize release, Charpentiergeneral of the International Seed Federation, said in a and Doudnas discovery was an unexpected one release. Alongside the many applications of CRISPR-Charpentier happened to discover an unknown mol- Cas9, it is a significant addition to plant breeders toolkit ecule called tracrRNA while working with bacteriain the development of more resilient, productive and called Streptococcus pyogenes. This molecule was anutritious crops that meet the needs of farmers and portion of the bacterias immune system, CRISPR-Cas,consumers. Plant breeding innovation is a critical part which disarms viruses by cutting their DNA. After that,of our continuing efforts to contribute to sustainable Charpentier connected and collaborated with Doudna,food systems. With the help of the latest breeding an expert in RNA. After recreating the genetic scissorsmethods, plant breeding will be more than ever able to in a test tube and simplifying the molecular compo- contribute to agriculture and food security.nents, the two believed that these could be an answerOur future world and specifically our agriculture to altering DNA.rely on these important discoveries in science to applyJennifer Doudna.Together, they were able to reprogram the geneticthem for mitigating the impact of climate change and tool in order to control and cut any DNA molecule at asustainably preserving food security, said Garlich von predetermined site.Essen, secretary general of Euroseeds. This is why However, since the time of the discovery in 2012,Euroseeds strongly advocates for a regulatory system this technology has essentially exploded in popularity.that enables the use of these new tools for the EU In 2011, there were less than 100 published papers onmarket and beyond to fully explore their great potential CRISPR, but as of 2020, the number of papers pub- for the benefits of society and our environment.lished has risen to over 35,000.As a society, we need full and open discussions Not only are some scientists experimenting withabout innovation. At international and national levels, CRISPR in clinical trials of cancer therapies, but CRISPRthere is a need to build understanding and trust in sci-has made an impact on the agriculture world as well.ence, Keller said. Clear, predictable, science-based Plant breeders have been able to develop crops that canand risk-based policies and regulations, as well as effec-withstand mold, pests and drought, all with the help oftive implementation, are essential in developing quality CRISPR and their ability to alter DNA.seeds that are accessible to all, to give farmers access This great honor recognizes the history of CRISPRto a full range of choices and solutions to achieve a and the collaborative story of harnessing it into a pro- sustainable food production system.SW106/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'