b'Exploring ideas and views on all aspects of the seed industry.Developing more precise seasonal forecasts to improve food supply for a total of 365 million people the EU. In UPPLY t funded by. N tant to increase agricultural yieldsOD S FER projec ct that is MPROVE FO new CO nal projeRECASTS I goal of theinternatio ry. ticular, more precise precipitation forecasts are deemed imporEASONAL FO a, this is thepartners of thisthan half a centu ns S Afric nine. oretire regioin Eastne ofR 7 million nce mterm. En and incountrieschnolo (KIT is o ost seve drought sia short in agriculturets of stituteTe nion with a total amount of EU ingdamagea, the impacelevengy)rewithinofd by the m pread flood bigy head of the par n In East Africrlsruh af produced unded by the European U onrodu water. BKa e I rica wasfecte ced wides oth events., deputAtmospheric Environmental Research Division of KITs Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research. st Af p s to the populationf Ea ati ofarald Kunstmann2017,y p ecipit layer Inr an already be felt clearly, says Professor H S R VEAL U. GHThave 9,ture and represented existential threat01 eav a waist-high In 2 h by were coveredS. CORN infrastruc E Uclimate change c .ESE ER s tha RO e no elds s and ARCH Y TO D lyited on September 1 STANFO NG S SITIVIT t whi h logie come RD R ENt starStan o a tu l ke r vealtoew tec p has be s.he ROWI y e nThe projec CROPS G f rdl s d ly due e staple cro ondition T l SiL MONTE A new d over l roachesthdrought c d, uses a nove -KGLOW, DE OWincrease nt app e nsitive to Nature Foothe moisturePIN L APPLE N rs Pin pp esi nageme ly mor ese ct. 26 inferences inPINK PINE yea ,kglowma n ant d Odifte erc ll ring,P nkg ene,holding capabilities among soils. The analysis could help lay ABLE l ificofpp e e lese o tai tl h co givesthe groundwork for speeding development of approachese AVAI re than 1 pinkpinea nowresearch, publishon wide5gAf r mo l ,theonteis ductapproach basedreally M to increase agricultural resilience to climate change.nd Pinea reshDelable. A pro lowologies are , omF a y avail itechnfr od ypes of weather conditionsmm i e pthat newl said study lead author David Lobell, the Gloria and Richard co bio ngin n e n t y l r (e.g.The gonews is od Security a lo th , c at , in all tPine tura pigits red co ,h hhelping to raise yields o it stand n app oduce m n elon) o w icof the Centern Fo these techno h giesaa t r esw te m . onshel directore bad news is thatsigned to wo sele arm Ric , whichrowingdrought, are so helpful in good conditions that the cost of some p , a p r le rerownalEnvironmentsome sp cifica ly demakes this pineapple pink h-C w i h includ l the l st t ma o g Ku .Th e . So theres no sign yet that they a p s a entr e kg ow Pine in t e Sout has theh c aPin l h will help reduce the cost of climate change. ofngesct f ancl a arer bad conditions are rising t reco ie s in fivees, suchin ine . Likely drivers of these bumper crops include aof Costaimate for g wn byrd y ldas regiond g o as se ticideal soiles. Theyeapple crownsThe industry h arvesting prac nd cha e levels exis . These pineapples areseven years l ti gh tol r chs reduce .p appl ting pinin p a ng and e h ant varieties, a d ozonntinguniquenr and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations pla delicious andnges n ofrou t- ons, su ain the ground acha d dititaste, with notes of candy pineapplees, h ficiency of cropssaid to haveo less souradoptio mental con use ef r, the cost to a c , an a e als pple, juicierenviron tensifi oweved that generally improve the water-ti s pineaand sweeter in taste. Currently, Fresh arom a traditionalte change inniq app maintain crop yields will likely increase.onte is the only company that thanleAs clima pink pineDel M this u uegrows variety.118/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'