b'Dont Let Anyone Tell Say You CantJessica Bubert, inbred line breeder with AgReliant Genetics, talks about her experience as the companys first female corn breeder. Seed World (SW): Got a favorite genre of music?Jessica Bubert (JB): I love live music, so really any type of music I can see in person is my favorite. If Im just hanging out around the house, Im a pretty big fan of 80s and 90s country and 80s rock. Thats what I grew up listening to in the tractor with my Dad, so it brings back a lot of happy memories. SW: Best thing to do on a Friday night?JB: Depends on the time of yearduring pollinating season, my favorite Friday night activity is going to bed early! Otherwise, I love spending time with my family. If its warm, were usually working around the farm and in the garden. One of my favorite hobbies is woodworking, so I spend my free time in the cold months building furniture for my house or to give to friends.SW: Favorite thing about working with corn?JB: One of my favorite things is that its a tall enough plant that you can stand up while youre pollinating and dont have to sit on the ground or bend over all day! Working with a hybrid crop is interesting because you have to deal with the added unknown of heterosis. Not only do I have to think about how my new lines will do as inbreds themselves, but I have to consider how they will do down the line in hybrids as well. SW: Being first female corn breeder at AgReliant must come with a lot of pressure! Whats one thing that gets you through the day?JB: I am extremely invested in what I do every day. The station Im based at is only 20 miles from the farm that I grew up on andto do what they were told they couldnt/shouldnt/wouldnt. I am now a partner in, so in the end Im really my own customer.was lucky to have supportive parents who built my confidence I know that when the products in my breeding program makeup and told me I could do anything, so I would just pass that their way through the pipeline, Ill be buying the hybrid to growon to the next group of ladies breaking barriersyou can do on my own land. That is extra incentive to create something Iwhatever you put your mind to.can be really proud of and is great motivation to push throughSecondly, I would tell them to find a position where they have whatever pressure there may be. Plus, how cool will it be tothe support they need. I mentioned having a wonderful support look out my window every morning at a field and know that allsystem at home, but the professional support system I have is started with my breeding program? amazing as well. AgReliant is committed to helping farmers grow and they understand that a diverse team is essential to that goal. SW: Anything youd tell other young ladies interested inWhen I started, I was immediately welcomed, invited to share breaking into plant breeding? my thoughts, and felt comfortable as part of the team.I would JB: For starters, I would tell them dont let anyone tell youencourage young women to pay attention to the organizational that you cant. When I was younger, I dont remember seeingculture when they interview for graduate school or a full-time any female salespeople, or truck drivers, or grain marketers,job. Find a position where you will be accepted as part of the or agronomists. Today, the faces we see in this industry areteam, your ideas will be appreciated, and youll have a profes-so much more diverse because someone had the confidencesional support system to help you thrive.SW78/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'