b'that are adapted to low inputs, harsh environmentsvarieties come from if most breeding programs are and resistance to pests. using gene editing?Growers that we work with are struggling with climateEhrhardt adds that if demand continues to grow, change, says Tursini. Many crops require specific condi- there will be companies who fund advanced breeding tions to produce high quality seed. As weather becomesprograms for organic seed. Universities and others . We willincreasingly unpredictable and more extreme, seed grow- want to use new techniques because they are training ers are finding that what once worked well for them is nothe next generation of breeders. There will be chal-realize thelonger reliably productive. We may start to see shifts inlenges, but this problem has yet to be examined by opportunitywhere we can produce specific crops. organic food industries.Even before COVID hit, demand for organic veg-and makeetable seed was already increasing steadily in partWhere Do We Go from Here?because certified organic acreage is growing andCiting the study The Market for Organic & Ecological significantsourcing certified organic seed is a regulatory require- Seed in Canada by Marie Eve-Levert, van Wyk says progressment for these operations (when commercially avail- one recommendation is to develop a coordinated able), Hubbard says. approach among organic certification bodies with to growTaking a longer view, Ehrhardt says he wondersregard to data collection and approaches to seed der-the supplyhow the organic industry will deal with the ban onogations. Data from organic certification bodies can gene-edited seed, currently barred by the U.S. Nationalbe used to help quantify the economic contribution of of organicOrganic Program (NOP).local organic seed as a means to help build a case for seed.Generally, they are going to exclude the use ofsupport to producers and purchasers to invest in the novel breeding techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 tech- sector over the long term. Roy van Wyk nology and other gene-editing methods. The conven- I would suggest we develop a coordinated tional seed industry is going to move forward quicklyapproach between the seed industry and the organic to adopt these powerful techniques because they areindustry, van Wyk says. By nurturing a spirit of under-cheaper to use in the development of new varietiesstanding and focusing on what the two industries have than traditional GMOs. Organic seed companies suchin common, we will realize the opportunity and make as ours and others have relied on traditional breedingsignificant progress to grow the supply of organic programs for germplasm. Where will new organic seedseed.SWWIN-WINEasy setup between seed lots Integrated material distribution Modular expandable design Adjustable precise flow meteringBAG MORE GOOD SEED AND IMPROVE THE PRODUCT QUALITY YOU Quick sorter adjustments DELIVER TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. ROTARY SORTERS FROM PROFILE INDUSTRIES CAN TRANSFORM YOUR SEED CLEANING OPERATION.High capacity geometry22/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'