b'RUSKIN JOHNSON Genome Editing: A Revolutionary DIGITAL SERVICES DIRECTOR, SEEDWORLD CREATE Breeding Tool Encumbered by rjohnson@seedworldgroup.com @seedworldgroupseedworldgroup.com Regulatory Challenges Virtual Jet Lag is aSHOULD PLANT PRODUCTS hinder gene editing from fully revolu-made using random mutagenesis viationizing our breeding process.Thing. Heres What to Do. chemicals or irradiations be exemptWith the advent of new technolo-from the regulations enforced by EUgies like digital PCR or next-gener-Directive 2001/18/EC on deliberateation sequencing, these challenges I RECENTLY TOOKpart in a virtual event thatrelease to the environment of GMOs.and limitations of detection and organized by a group based in Europe. It hadGene-edited products, according toquantification can be overcome. many similarities to the in-person version of thisEU regulations, must comply withConsidering the risk assessments and popular conferencesitting in on seminars, chat- GMO regulations regarding detec- return benefits on these regulations ting with colleagues, and the jet lag that usuallytion, identification and quantification. compared to the cost that they add comes with attending conferences overseas. GMOs with their distinct signa- to food and feed products, who is Yes, thats rightvirtual jet lag is real. Becausetures and large genomic changesbest qualified to assess and enforce the event was held on European time, and I live inare detectable and quantifiable usingthese mandates? Now is a good time North America, I had to start my day at around 11PCR or qPCR. The small genomicto think about these questions as p.m. for the duration of the event, and it didnt endchanges incorporated by genomewe face new public regulations for most days until around 4 a.m. the following morning. editing present a challenge, especiallyCOVID pandemic responses. Shall we Ive learned a few tips to help me through vir- in quantitation of a small amount oflisten to our scientists and trust them tual jet lag that you may find helpful. genome edited product present inor follow the sociopolitical environ-Try to get some sleep before the event tobulk lots of seeds, food or feed.ment to strategize our response?adjust your body clock. If possible, spend the dayGenome editing was inventedShall we let an international leading up to the event by resting and trying to getto increase the productivity andagency like UN Codex Alimentarius some shuteye. This might be hard to do but willspeed of breeding while reducingCommission find a common regula-help your body prepare for the shock its about tothe adverse effects of these changes.tory framework, or do we rely on indi-receive by staying up all night. Different types of genome edits canvidual countries to create their own Have a proper schedule to help you throughbe introduced using different natu- regulations and confuse the market? it. Because jet lag makes it hard to perform at yourrally occurring, site-directed nucle- Listening to our scientists is the only peak capacity, youre going to need to plan outases (SDNs) such as ZFNs, TALENsway to ensure a fair and scientific your day. Have a to-do list to follow so you dontor CRISPR/CAS. If these edits onlypractice is implemented in the food, have to think too much about it, especially for thelead to small changes such as aseed and feed trade. first day of the event. single nucleotide or a small insertion Use your computers nighttime color setting.or deletion, the change is a SDN1 Most computers, phones and tablets now have atype edit. In SDN2 or SDN3 edits, special setting for evening use. This setting, usuallythe changes are usually bigger, so called night shift or blue light filter or some- the detection methods designed for thing similar, sets the screen color to a warmerGMO detection can be used to detect tone, which may help reduce eye strain and make itand quantify them as well. However, easier to sleep after the event is over. the SDN1 edits are still a challenge for Set up your own space. Since you are attendingdetection and quantification. These this event remotely and most probably from home,challenges need to be considered you will need to set up a separate space for your- before applying regulations that self. This will ensure you dont disturb others and will also help you avoid the urge to go back to bed.Plan the event with virtual jet lag in mind. IfFARHAD GHAVAMIyoure involved in planning the event and need help to do so, work with someone who has experienceCHIEF SCIENCE OFFICER,EUROFINS BIODIAGNOSTICSwith organizing virtual conferences. They can help FarhadGhavami@eurofinsUS.comyou avoid pitfalls that can make the whole experi- eurofinsus.com/biodiagnosticsence more difficult for attendees.@GhavamiFDECEMBER 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /41'