b'EXCERPTS FROM THIS 1960 ISSUEOF SEED WORLDDr. Harold D. Loden of Paymaster Farm in Plainview, Texas, givesgrow. The current role of certification is one of the aspects of the his thoughts on what he says are flaws in the seed certificationseed business which must be re-evaluated. model.I do not think the failure of privately developed varieties andIn effect, the certified tag is tantamount to grade labeling. Ihybrids to be produced under certification programs is a condem-believe that the concept which many certification programsnation of certification. It is purely and simply a reflection of the attempt to foster is that all seed which bears the blue tag ofanswer developed by management in evaluation of the question, certification is of the same uniform high quality. This implication isDo we need certification?certainly questionable, since within any crop, seed of poor to excel-lent quality may be sold under the blue tag.I suggest that a large segment of the seed business is at a cross-roads in which they are making the same decision relative to the There is another factor of major importance in selling seed of anyfuture of certification. I also suggest to certification agencies that kind. Namely, to make a profit. Quite often I hear from dealers thatthey are at a similar crossroads and should take an inward look they are not handling certified seed simply because they cannotto determine whether or not certification is keeping pace with make a profit. This I believe is the direct result of efforts which pro- changes and advancements of the seed trade. mote all certified as being of the same high quality. I believe we must admit that certification fails to meet many of the Recent scientific advances in the field of plant breeding, spe- requirements which seedsmen expect of certification. cifically the development of hybrids, raises the question of the value of certification, particularly in organizations with integratedI trust that efforts by both the seed trade and certification agen-research and development programs. Modern business manage- cies will result in development of a new concept for seed certifica-ment requires operational changes in tempo with scientific andtion which will meet the current needs for both the seedsman and merchandising advancements if the business is to prosper and his customers. SW134/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'