b'proposed inaugural board of Seeds Canadasays while its disappointing that the CSGA has voted against the merger, she believes the will still exists to go forward with some form of the amalgamation.Each organization needs to reconvene to determine what the next steps should be, Sparry said. For me, Seeds Canada should still move forward, its just a matter of who and how. There arent any clear answers rights now.Provincial seed grower groups like the Alberta Seed Growers are waiting for direction from the national CSGA board to deter-mine where they go from here.Regardless of what happens, we still have to cultivate rela-tionships with the other organizations and work together. Were still intertwined if we amalgamate or if we dont. It cant go back to the way it was; we simply have to move forward and progress. We will still have a relationship; its just figuring out what thatRenee Hoyme serves asShannon Beiman is president of looks like. president of the Alberta Seedthe Ontario Seed Growers Glyn Chancey, executive director of the CSGA, says nextGrowers.Association.steps may involve developing a new mandate for the CSGA in the context of a new seed industry landscape, something cur-rently referred to as CSGA 2.0. Different WorldviewsAn important question we have to answer is what changesFinding that compatibility might prove challenging, according CSGA would have tried to make for the purpose of improvingto Lorne Hadley. The executive director of the Canadian Plant itself had there not been a Seeds Canada discussion in the firstTechnology Agency says two competing ideologies have long place. The biggest decision we have to make as an associationbeen present within the seed grower communitythose who whether we separate our regulatory role from other policy objec- feel seed growers must distinguish themselves from the seed tives that became apparent during the Seed Synergy discus- trade and those who see little difference between the two.sions, Chancey says. Both worldviews are valid, but extremely difficult to bridge, Whether CSGA doubles down on its core mandate or movesHadley says.in the direction of identifying who its core membership is andChancey feels theres another way of looking at it that could proceeds according to their vision, is a big question we cantprove helpful for CSGA as the industry attempts to move forward.answer yet. A lot of seed growers feel we should work together, but it McLean agrees that his national seed association is currentlyneeds to be done right. Details matter. A big rule in business is struggling to determine its identity. that no matter how wonderful you thought your business plan Seed growers who want to wear a farmer-only hat and feelwas, theres no guarantee it will work. Things work because seed growers interests must come first are in a tough spot,people figure out how to work together.because you often see those same seed growers take to TwitterShannon Bieman, president of the Ontario Seed Growers to promote various partnerships they have with retailers andAssociation, says a major challenge will be fostering unity among seed companies. We cant have it both wayseither were partseed growers and the industry at large as the pieces get picked of the bigger picture or were not, he says.up and things move ahead in the coming months.CSGA is not an advocacy group, its a seed certification body.Well never make a stronger seed system in Canada if we Maybe that will change now, but if it does change and becomesdont have unity, even if that means seed growers stay as their an advocacy group, theres a conflict there because that was theown separate entity, she says.reason the CSGA board endorsed the proposal to become partMcLean agrees that the industry has to come together, but of Seeds Canadathe need to unite our industry and ensure thethat doing so will involve a lot of personal decisions that seed seed grower voice is at the table and is heard. We really have togrowers like him will have to make.hear from the members as to what they think CSGA needs to be. The No vote was very damaging to seed grower morale and According to Chanceywho recently announced his depar- has created factions within the CSGA. How do we rectify that ture from CSGA come Feb. 1, 2021the first step to determininggoing forward? It wont be easy. There was a lot of trepidation CSGAs future identity is confirming whether its membershipcreated by the No side and we dont know how much damage still wishes to pursue the major objectives outlined in the Seedhas been done in that regard, he says.Synergy White Paper, which was the precursor to the designIf Seeds Canada forms without the participation of CSGA, of Seeds Canada and lays out the vision for a modernized seedthen Ill have to make up my mind if want to be an active CSGA industry in Canada. board member or if I become a Seeds Canada board member If CSGA is committed to the White Paper objectiveswhichwho reports back to the CSGA, or if I even have time to be include amalgamation or consolidation of the industrys fiveinvolved with CSGA at all. Right now, Im busy with harvest.SWassociationsany changes CSGA makes to itself should factor in compatibility down the road with the other four parties.38/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'