b'Popiels advice to soybean growersa wide range of seed varieties including on seed treatments is to exercise cautionCredenz and Xitavo.when considering custom blends. If we look at the trait landscape what In some situations, a custom blend iswere trying to do is enable choice across a great thing for a user, he says. But inthe board for growers, he says. Weed some situations, customs blends are not acontrol has been a complex thing for grow-great thing for the end user because youers for quite some time and were getting can take a specific active ingredient loadto the point where were having a lot of and pull that load way back. The problemmulti-stacks within traits. With LibertyLink is youve suddenly got a less expensivebeing a component in all the new soybean product that is not going to do what youtrait stacks, this is allowing the grower to expect it to. move from one system to another and look at whats the proper rotation or manage-Securing Your Supply ment on their farm for the weed dynamics With some of the uncertainty over whatand pressures they have.herbicides and treatments might be avail- One of BASFs more popular recent able to use next season, BASFs Gent sug- offerings is the Xitavo soybean seed with gests soybean growers secure their seedEnlist ES which it is marketing as part of supply early. an exclusive deal with MS Technologies. It Theres going to be enough supplyfeatures a triple-stack herbicide (Liberty out there to satisfy the acres, but youherbicide, 2,4-D choline and glyphosate) want to make sure if you are a grower youGent says one of the best tools growerstolerant trait and provides growers with are securing your supply and getting thehave in their arsenal is trait choice.multiple modes of action against trouble-variety you want, he says. Theres a lot ofsome weeds.complexity in the market right now and aIn terms of weed control traits, GentWere seeing a big uptake on Enlist lot of its going to come down to a growersays its important for growers to considerin the market, Gent explains. I think making sure that they secure the varietythe choices available to them. He saysgrowers are going to see that as a strong they want for their farm. thats why BASF has focused on offeringchoice in the market in 2021.SWCONNECTING THE MOVING Purchase OrderProcessingPARTS Grower Contracts IntegrationSpecialist seed softwareto connect all of the moving parts within your seed productionLaboratory/QA Sales Orderand processing business ProcessingGENERATION SEED MANAGEMENT SOFTWARESeed Processing ShippingSeed Mixing InventoryPhone+1 800 366 2474 Visitprimeticsseed.comEmailprimeticsseed@culturatech.com90/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'