b'Despite challenges, progress continues. Its great when enterprise is able to thrive, and most companies are quite happy to share their story as others work to follow in their footsteps, Winter says.As new companies pop up, govern-ment support will be crucial to their success. Fragmented rural infrastructure often hinders smallholder farmers to bring their products to the market.If a new variety is developed without the supporting infrastructure, they will be unable to sell that in the next region. Thats where government regulation can allow expansion rather than stifle it, Leddin says.Investments in this area will result in more stable family incomes and tight connections to the value chain.Access to high quality and tailor-made seeds along with extension services can improve the productivity of smallholderLeddin has been able to travel to different countries to teach smallholder farmers how to farmers around the world, Harnal says. grow crops more efficiently, and what potential crops might work in their systems.Invest in Genetics and Quality We end up with a seed industry madewhere their food comes from, a seed.Winter has seen a direct correlation toup of tiers of businesses, some producingCOVID has been a catalyst to get the most at-risk regions and areas werequality seed that might charge more, butpeople to understand the importance of crop yield gaps are highest.we know where that seed comes from.seed, Leddin says. Not only are prod-We are trying to improve the foodAnd then there are other companies thatucts not on the shelves in their grocery security of the world, and particularlypop up, grow a crop for a year, claim it tostores, but the seeds are also not available of these low-income areas, so we mustbe one variety, and then disappear theand thats a shock, he says. find things that can grow better for thenext year when complaints from custom- In times of stress, its tempting to keep future, Winter says.ers with poor germination start to comethe focus on self-recovery and self-preser-While public and private companiesin, Leddin says. vation, which Leddin warns will not end well.work with smallholder famers on bestEffective regulation is needed toThere are some real opportuni-practices and scaling operations, plantprotect both quality, and plant health,ties right now and we must continue to breeding advancements will raise agricul- according to Mirko Montuori, Internationalconsider our neighbors in other countries. tural productivity on limited arable landYear of Plant Health Project Officer,If we allow these struggling nations to while tackling climate change.on behalf of the International Plantfall behind, we will start to see the kinds Improved seeds offer higher produceProtection Convention Secretariat. of mass migration that becomes prob-quality, better resistance to biotic andThe solution for these problems islematic for the western world to handle, abiotic stress as well as enhance the shelfa regulated market, which allows freeLeddin says.life of the produce. This provides moreand efficient trade of seeds while takingInvesting in the seed industry is key to flexibility for farmers, food processorsaccount of safety and quality issues, andnot only ending hunger, but also ending and traders; and enables consumers toeventually offers protection for consum- poverty. longer enjoy the quality of agriculturalers and producers by limiting the infes- As the 2020 Year of Plant Health goods, Harnal says. tation of the next crops that germinatecomes to a close, Leddin is optimistic Leddin, who also works with an NGOfrom the protected and regulated seeds,about efforts that are in place, but realis-that works in plant breeding, particularlyMontuori says. tic about everything that is left to do. in developing nations, believes protectingIve read that for every dollar spent on seed quality needs to be front of mind.Invest in the Future preventing a problem before it happens, With a much higher demand for seed inThe global pandemic of 2020 will haveit returns four-fold. Its about continuing the western world due to more peoplelasting impacts to nearly all industries, theto build that resilience in the agricultural without jobs who are turning to growingseed industry included, both benefits andindustry so we can withstand disastrous their own food, it will likely lead to morechallenges. For one thing, Leddin expectsissues when they come.SWnew businesses getting into the space. more people will be forced to consider 62/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'