b'ROBIN OMARAPRESIDENT, OMARAJIM SCHWEIGERTAG SERVICESPRESIDENT, GRO ALLIANCE romara60@msn.comomara-ag.com @jim_schweigert jim.schweigert@groalliance.comGroAlliance.comTen Pounds in a Five CRISPR Gene Editing Wins NobelPound BucketPrize, Spurs Hope for BroaderON A VERYregular basis, we are asked to fit things where they really arent meant to go. I call Consumer Acceptance this putting 10 pounds into a five-pound bucket. Let me tell you, as a plant designer, if you give me 40 feet of building roof height, I will probably use it, HISTORY WAS MADEon Octobertions, like the American Seedmost likely all of it.7, 2020, when two female scientists,Trade Association (ASTA), theI was recently asked to look at a building as Emmanuelle Charpentier of FranceInternational Seed Federation (ISF)a potential location for a seed corn conditioning and Jennifer Doudna of the Unitedand the Independent Professionaloperation. It was in a good location for distribution States, were awarded the Nobel PrizeSeed Association (IPSA) are joinedin a growing area where the floor space and the in Chemistry.They developed theby dozens of other national seedbudget both fit. Maybe even the best part for me, CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing method. associations in advocating that genewe had been recommended by another client. That The importance of this recognitionedited plants be regulated like otherpart makes me smile all day. You in yet? I was in for the seed industry cannot betraditional plant breeding methods.from the first hello.overstated. Your support of these organizationsAs we toured the building to assess the fit for The CRISPR-Cas9 method allowswill help drive success in global regu- this new line, we talked about all the components breeders to improve plant varieties bylatory policy. and niceties that were wanted. I love this stuff and making precise edits within a plantsIf gene editing were to be regu- this part of the process. When we rounded the genome.The end result is the samelated like GMOs, the regulatory costscorner and reached the area of the building that as what one could accomplish throughwill ensure that only the largestwas available, I measured and had to use my cell traditional plant breeding, but withcompanies will have the resources tophone light to make sure I was reading correctly: 17 more precision and accuracy.Unlikeunlock its amazing potential.Thatfeet, it said, and no penetrating the new roof.GMO methods, CRISPR-Cas9 does notwould leave independent breeders,I like a challenge, wow do I like a challenge! Im involve introduction of DNA from non- universities and smaller enterprisesreally good at thinking while Im driving, so back at sexually compatible plants.This keyunable to participate in the next gen- my desk I was soon in deep conversations with my difference should enable gene editingeration of plant breeding innovations.team (example No. 1: you should have your head methods, like CRISPR-Cas9, to earnIf accessible, some of the benefits ofexamined.). Soon some darn good ideas were broader consumer acceptance andgene editing are improved oil profiles,flowing, and we were off to the races.less onerous regulatory burdens. increased protein, reduced gluten andWere not talking about a lab-sized operation However, some are pushing forthe elimination of certain allergens inhere. I mean it includes air-screen cleaning, opti-GMO-style regulation.Even thoughsmall grains, legumes, oil seeds andcal sorting, sizing, density separation, large batch the science is clear, continued promo- row crops.Every sector of agricul- treating, treated seed drying, refuge blending, tion of the benefits of gene editing isture can benefit! paper packaging, mini-bulk and hard side pack-critical to facilitate the developmentThis is a strong message that youaging, ability to rebag, many holding bins with of new plants that are more nutri- can help take to consumers.ASTAsuperior versatility for varying corn sizes and crop tious, resistant to pests and resilient inhas an active consumer informa- conditionsall of it Yes all of it, under a 17-foot roof.a changing climate. tion campaign about new breedingWe created solutions for this particular situa-This recognition by The Nobeltechniques that you can help amplifytion that make for a compact, gentle, user friendly, Foundation creates an opportunityon social media.Use this Nobel Prizeclean, dust-controlled atmosphere and, very to re-energize the ongoing push forto open up new conversations withimportantly, pocket-book friendly. a science-based, synchronistic globalyour friends, family and neighbors. The plant is now operational and includes many regulatory system. This award canThe Nobel Foundation has validatedcustom and innovative solutions that make it a also start new conversations withthe incredible promise of gene edit- one-of-a-kind bucket. All 10 pounds fit without consumers. inglets use our voice to make surespilling over.Leading seed trade organiza- everyone hears it!42/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'