b'Corteva also has plans to bring sorghum with the Inzen trait to farmers, a new herbicide-tolerant trait that will provide flexibility to plant sorghum on acres previously limited by weed pressure. Proter says Inzen is a non-transgenic, ALS-tolerant trait availableOne surefire way of ending a market is lack of in its Pioneer brand.Staggenborg touts the newest developments for farmers aresupply. China and others will look to fill needs indeed herbicide tolerant as well as dhurrin-free seed. S&Wselsewhere if U.S. sorghum fails to meet their supply Double Team Sorghum Cropping Systems will hit the market soon with ACCase -tolerant sorghum coupled with Adamasrequirements. quizalofop herbicide for control of grassy weeds. He says farmers Florentino Lopezhave been asking for over-the-top grass control for decades. Dhurrin is a compound found in sorghum that, by itself, is not harmful. But when a sorghum plant is damaged, dhurrin can be converted to hydrogen cyanide gas, which is poisonous. Primarily ruminant animals are susceptible to that, says Staggenborg. By removing dhurrin, we remove the risk of poisoning grazing ani-mals. This trait will make grazing forage sorghum much easier andto remain engaged and responsive as markets open and acres extend the grazing season into the fall past early freeze dates.increase. Sheppard notes another shift seen is sorghum breedersOne surefire way of ending a market is lack of supply. China increasingly taking advantage of the positive correlation betweenand others will look to fill needs elsewhere if U.S. sorghum fails increased plant height and grain yield. to meet their supply requirements, he says. Likewise, domes-Paired with a focus on standability, we believe this could helptic customers will depart the supply chain if their needs are left improve the annual genetic gain for sorghum breeding as weunsatisfied. We remain engaged with our seed industry partners move into the coming years, he says. to ensure supply is upheld to meet current and ongoing demand Lopez says continued success of producing U.S. sorghumand to foster international and domestic markets for hopefully an profitably will need to come from an industry that continuesequivalent premium paid.SWPartnering with You to Deliver the Industrys BestSorghum Partners top priority is providing premium sorghum hybrids to help improve your profi tability. We do it through sciencebringing over 30 years of industry leading genetics into each hybrid. We do it through research and developmentutilizing data from fi eld trials, our greenhouse, and current market trends. And we listensupporting the challenges of your operation with our best solutionsso we both succeed.Alfalfa, Sorghum & MoreNow Under One RoofCall 720.506.9191. Visit SorghumPartners.com, Facebook, and Twitter104/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'