b'Decree amending the list of techniques for obtaining genetically modified organ-isms traditionally used without any noted drawbacks with regard to public health or the environment (Decree Notification No 2020/280/F). While the decree claims to specify those mutagenesis techniques to be exempted from the scope of the regulations relating to GMOs in France, it practically does the opposite by singling out in vitro random mutagenesis con-sisting in subjecting plant cells cultivated in vitro to chemical or physical muta-genic agents as the sole method to which the exemption may not apply, i.e. which would result in regulated GMOs. Consequently, once this decree would be adopted and published, varieties result-ing from such form of random in vitro mutagenesis would be prohibited for marketing and cultivation in France since they lack evaluation and authorization under the new French GM rule. Pushing the BoundariesFrance also notified an order to amend the French national catalogue of plantGarlich von Essen is secretary-general of Euroseeds. varieties as well as a draft list of rapeseed varieties resulting from in vitro mutagen- and feed products originating from thirdconsequences would extend way beyond esis that now would be regarded ascountries? France. But foremost, it must be under-non-exempted GMOs in France and withIt is obvious that such nationallined that there is neither a technical/that deleted from the French nationalchanges may indeed have a much widerbiological, nor scientific, nor legal justifi-catalogue and banned from cultivation inimpact than on the country alone. Therecation for this specific focus. The justifica-France. are repercussions on EU and internationaltion is entirely national and political.While this first may look like a nationallevel and on a wide range of regulations,The discussion on the use and useful-measure only, a regulatory self-mutilationpolicies and international obligations ofness of herbicide tolerant crops in French only applicable to certain products inthe entire Union. Hence, the obligationagriculture has been around for many France, it obviously would have a muchto notify such measures and the detailedyears. While at first linked to classical wider impact. What about seeds of varie- TRIS procedure these are then subject to. transgenic GMOs, the discussion became ties authorised in another EU Memberwider and wider over the years, not least State, consequently listed on the EUThe National Political Agenda onsince no herbicide-tolerant transgenic Common Catalogue and thus freelyHerbicide Tolerance GMOs were grown in France anyway for marketable throughout the EU? WouldThe decree and the respective ordersalmost 10 years; and even when they were such seed still be marketable in France?in practice clearly focus on (Clearfield)still grown, the total acreage was negligi-Would French farmers be allowed to useherbicide tolerant oilseed rape varietiesble. Still, herbicide tolerance has remained it? What about the resulting food andand on seed-production and cultivationquite high on the national French political feedstuffs? And what about such foodin France; though, as stated earlier, theagenda.74/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2020'