b'worldSTATUS A look at seed industry developments around the globe.Researchers at WageningenSTATUS AUSTRALIA STATUS ETHIOPIA STATUS GHANAlook to combat the threatFive Western AustralianRapid assessments car- A Ghanaian chief, Nana Adjie grower groups have bandedried out by WageningenPanin II, has called for the to the Ethiopian sesametogether as part of a researchUniversity & Research (WUR)countrys commercialization sector, while Korea dabblesproject to better control theand Ethiopian partners showof genetically modified (GM) in soybeans coated in ironemerging weed, barley grass.that the functioning of theseeds. Genetically modified The winter weed has prolif- Ethiopian sesame sector isorganisms (GMOs) would to deter birds.erated across the grainbeltunder serious threat duebe a panacea to the existing in recent years, due to theto COVID-19 restrictions.negative agricultural practices adoption of minimum till- Ethiopia has taken strictaround the globe, accord-age practices, continuousmeasures to prevent a largeing to the chief, who lives in cropping, herbicide resist- COVID-19 outbreak in theDeduako, a farming com-ance and seasonal variability.country. These measuresmunity in the Ashanti region The Department of Primaryhinder the mobility of sea- of Ghana. His assertions are Industries and Regionalsonal labourers, who are criti- based on his observations Development (DPIRD) is lead- cal to the countrys sesamethat chemical usage associ-ing the research in WA, withproduction. This leads toated with agriculture is having co-investment from the Grainsa reduced area of sesamea grave toll on the environ-Research and Developmentcultivation, affecting futurement, human health and soil Corporation (GRDC). export revenues and having anutrients, and GM crops could The Kellerberringreat impact on the countrysreduce that impact. The chief, Demonstration Group, Southeconomic situation. who is also a peasant farmer, East Premium Wheat GrowersBasically, our assess- made his remarks to members Association, Mingenew Irwinments show serious chal- of the Ghana Agricultural and Group, Lakes Information andlenges of avoiding furtherRural Development Journalists Farming Technology and thespreading of the COVID-19Association (GARDJA) Facey Group are engaged invirus, while saving the agricul- during their recent visit to the project, with additional sup- tural season as much as pos- his five-acre conventional port from the WA No-Tillagesible, says Anteneh Mekuriafarm at Deduako. He grows Farming Association. Tesfaye, who coordinates thea variety of crops, includ-Each group is evaluatingrapid assessments in Ethiopiaing yam, plantain, cocoyam, three different barley grassin collaboration with col- cassava and cocoa. Despite management strategies, inleagues of the Wageningenthe controversy around addition to a more typicalCentre for DevelopmentGMOs in the country, he said control strategy. DepartmentInnovation (WCDI). this appropriate technology research scientist CatherineThe production seasonshould be adopted with no Borger said low to high inten- for sesame is about toshred of doubt since it can sity integrated weed manage- start, but with serious con- stand the test of time. The ment strategies were beingstraints. Tesfaye: Because ofchief observed that pesticides examined to control the weed. uncertainties about marketand insecticide are causing The grower groups havedemand, labour availabil- the soil to lose its rich mineral compared herbicide use andity and costs, farmers arecontent and fertility. He said spray topping in pasture, pre- expected to reduce their areathese chemicals have had emergent herbicide use, cropof sesame cultivation. Asan adverse effect on nature, variety and density, amongsesame is the second agricul- arguing that previously, after other strategies. Borger saidtural export commodity, thisplowing and fallowing, mush-the first year of the project hadwill further deprive Ethiopiarooms, snails, cocoyam and already yielded some interest- of already very scarce foreignother crops sprang up from ing results. currency earnings. the soil naturally.74/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2020'