b'talking a lot about food delivery and howabout older Canadians. Theyre all around important a service it is to have whenus and yet we mostly ignore them.people cant leave their home to go to a store or restaurant. Thats what olderGermination: Whats your advice to people deal with every day even whenagriculture and the seed industry there is no pandemic. When you havespecifically?mobility issues, you cant just go out toEveryone knows the powerDB: Think about older people. Hire them. dine whenever you feel like it. Heres aof youth is what fuels theThey want to keep working. Theyre thoughtdeliver food specifically withhealthy enough and they have the knowl-older people in mind. And what restau- marketplace. The fact is, edge, we just have to adjust our work-rant makes anything for older people inplaces for them. Is your workplace based particular? Eighty percent of Canadasit isnt that way at all.on an open concept? Thats fine for mil-wealth is with people over the age of Darrell Bricker lennials and members of Gen Z, but I for 50. They have all the money and thereone like to have some quiet, some privacy, are more of them every day, yet no oneso I can concentrate. Designing things caters to them. for young people who we arent creating in the first place doesnt make sense. As Germination: Thats a great ideafor the crops you breed, breed with older actually, a restaurant designed forpeople in mind. They generally dont have older people. the fancy, exotic tastes you see in the DB: Yet no one seems to have thoughtaverage millennial foodie. What are we of it. Turn down the music so I can havethe front of the restaurant where I canbreeding and growing with older people a conversation, and I dont need a bunchleave my mobility device? If people knowin mind? Not much. And finally, with more of TV screens and lights flashing at me they can get inside your establishment,and more people moving to the city, whos although I would like enough light to readthey just might come. Mainstream con- going to grow that food?SWwhat Im ordering. How about a place atsumer culture doesnt really give a hoot SEPTEMBER 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /23'