b'You should never settle for anything less than outstanding.Especially where your crops are concerned. So weve developed a line of world-class hybrids using industry-leading genetics and innovation. Its comprised of only carefully curated, top-performing seed to give you the highest crop quality, efficiency, performance and tonnage. And because it consistently outperforms in field and in feed, you know youre getting the best possible return on your investmentand best is our only standard of measurement. We call it EMPYR PREMIER FORAGE.No offense to all the other forages, but we thought it called for a better title. empyrforages.com844-529-3420Alta Seeds is a trademark of Advanta Seeds US, an operating unit of Advanta Seeds, a global company. 2020 Advanta US, LLC746-2007D Empyr Ad 9 x 10.75.indd 1 7/30/20 6:12 PM'