b'CHRIS THRASHERCAA, DIRECTOR OF NORTHAMERICAN SALES ChrisThrasher@abm1st.comwww.abm1st.comHiring the Right People for Sales SuccessIN MY LAST COLUMN,we discussed three important pointstal conditions they are applied. I need sales professionals that that I use every day when working with my team of nine salesunderstand this change and can lead the industry in its under-professionals: setting goals, meeting targets and dealing withstanding of these principals. the day to day challenges of the business. But theres much more to consider when it comes to managing a sales team Technical Advice over Sales Experiencefrom culture to sales targets to so much more. Seed biologicals are a specialized business that requires sales It starts with one thing: Hiring the right people.professionals with a passion for information and education. I typically seek out new hires that have a technical background Candidate Countdown with some sales experience. Most important in seed biological I look for the individual that wants to achieve goals and is rootedsales is the ability to educate others on the products and what in the agriculture industry. They must have an understanding ofit is doing. We want agronomists that understand how plants agricultural practices and sales experience in the ag field, butgrow and what it takes to maximize yield. Sales techniques and not only thatI like to hire from the region where they reside.strategies can be taught if needed, but most of our customers This is important because the agricultural industry is all aboutmake decisions off whats best for the crops and fits their needs relationships and trust.from trusted advisors.One technique I use is to arrange interviews in conjunction with large shows or conferences. I typically hire in the winterCulture is Keymonths so flying in two to three candidates into a meeting atI think the overall philosophies for managing a sales force is a conference is a way for me to see how they interact with theapplicable whether the team is large or small. But a small team team and customers at functions. This is key to put candidatescertainly has its advantages. With nine direct reports, I can on the spot and see how they thrive.call each Friday and wrap up the week with each of them and I seek candidates that have a background and degree in agri- address their successes and struggles. I can develop flexible culture along with other fields such as finance, business manage- budgets based off regional conditions and forecast. If they ment and marketing. Having a sales representative with theseneed assistance, I can jump in the truck or on a plane and go skills is crucial to make solid decisions in the field.help them land a new customer or visit legacy customers for a dinner. An Agricultural Understanding I have seen companies come into the market and offer big When you set foot on a farm, you have to understand the pas- salaries to lure away talent. Some bite and go for the money. But sion for success and that farm professionals drive to achieveit is the companies that invest more than money in their team new level of yield and sustainability. Quick sales are not normalmembers that see less turnover and more loyalty. True talent is in this industry because youre dealing with the customers liveli- recognized and in high demand. Coaching is more important hood. The days of one product for every crop in every regionthan training. I feel no matter the size of the team, culture, sup-has passed us by. We must embrace the value of biologicals andport and investment is key for each member of the team to be how their use can be specific to the plant and the environmen- successful.SEPTEMBER 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /27'