b'Whats New: the SeedScience FoundationA report on progress so far, current activities and howits planning to tap new technologies. Treena HeinMANY ORGANIZATIONSinchange that perception. There are alsoof seed and plant science.agriculture and beyond have to startthose young and older individuals whoWe want to be a non-traditional type from zero, but otherssuch as the Seeddont see that they already have skillsof organization, getting at the heart of Science Foundation (SSF), now a littleand knowledge that are well suited towhat the research issues are, what the over two years oldhave had the benefittaking advantage of those opportunities.industry issues are, and leveraging the of starting as a merger of two existingWe need to continue to explain that thefunding entrusted to us in innovative seed industry organizations. global seed industry is large, robust andnew ways, says Dunkle. Our board has The SSF, which assists and col- evolving very quickly to address the criti- created six major topic areas and each laborates with the American Seed Tradecal needs of feeding the planet.one has a director and a team of experts Association (ASTA) in its research efforts,Secondly, the SSF will continue itsthat are identifying ambitious goals and was formed in late 2018 from amalgamat- efforts to fund public research programscreating plans to reach them. These topic ing the National Council of Commercialin basic seed science and to exploreareas include breeding systems, seed Plant Breeders and the American Seedopportunities for leveraging public andhealth, seed quality and testing, seed Research Foundation.private research organizations to furtherproduction, seed-applied technology and Board members of both these organi- the collective global understandingandother new technology. Dunkle says good zations recognized that there would bepotentialin seed science. Dunkle notesprogress is being made in each one. synergies in joining forces, explains Ricthat neither of the pre-existing organi- With regard to new technology, the Dunkle, senior director of Seed Healthzations had historically achieved muchSSF is very interested in extending the and Trade at ASTA and one of two ASTA- success in attracting dollars from fundinginvolvement of various experts beyond SSF liaisons.heavy-hitters such as the Bill & Melindathe seed industry itself. The mission of the SSF is three-fold.Gates Foundation, National SecurityWe are asking how we can direct use First, it aims to address seed and plantAgency and the National Institute foror adapt solutions used in other indus-science challenges and to encourageFood and Agriculture. Such opportunitiestries to solve problems within our sector, plant breeding education and seedwill be explored and pursued.says Dunkle. There are so many exciting research.The SSF also serves as a valuableplatforms and technologies being created The SSF is continuing to provideresource for ASTA as it works to deliver onby start-ups as well as big companies like support for undergraduate and graduateits own strategic objectives. So far, the SSFAmazon or Google that could be applied. students, enticing them to get into seedboard members and staff have providedIts critical that we understand whats out research or other aspects of the seedkeen insight and recommended solutionsthere and put these untapped resources industry, Dunkle explains. We knowthat enable the U.S. seed industry to func- to use, ensuring the seed industry is there are talented students out theretion with global effectiveness, explainsmoving forward at the pace it should and who have the perception that the seedDunkle. This includes global discussionsreaching milestones undreamt of even a industry is a small sector without muchof evolving plant breeding methods anddecade ago.SWopportunity, and we need to continue tophytosanitary issues, an integrated source 36/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2020'