b'Virtual Leadership is Still LeadershipWhile the ASTA PLDC wasnt able to meet in person, ASTA continues to recognize the importance of leadership in the seed industry.Alex MartinEVERY YEAR,members of the seed indus- State of the Associationtry looks forward to heading to the AmericanWere thankful were able to connect virtually, Seed Trade Associations (ASTA) Policy andGale said. We appreciate everyone for participat-Leadership Development Conference (PLDC). Anding in this process. This meeting is required by our even though this years PLDC in Indianapolis wasbylaws, but we also have to remember that our canceled, ASTA is making the most of their virtualmembership is the heart of our association, and space.your participation is greatly appreciated.The accessibility of the virtual format affordsOne major issue Gale addressed in his State of a whole new group of ASTA members the chancethe Association speech was the topic of COVID-19 to get to know this new event, which was trans-of course, other than just impacting the confer- ASTA has been formed in 2018 from our former, traditional Annualence, COVID-19 has affected ASTA and the seed Convention into a new event that focuses on theindustry in numerous ways. pushing for a core purposes of advancing policy and develop- Every two weeks, the ASTA staff has a COVID- science-based ing our industrys emerging leaders, says Jennifer19 focused member call, where they discuss Crouse, senior director of meetings & services atupdates theyve seen in state and federal legis- risk assessment ASTA. We are thrilled to find that todays tech- lature, potential economic effects of COVID andregulatory system, nology not only allows us to continue to providemore. In addition to those calls, ASTA continues to valuable programming for our members during aupdate their COVID-19 hub with new informationthat provides a pandemic, but also helps to engage a much largeraround legislature and impacts as well.and more global audience. As an association, were still playing key rolesclear pathway for The PLDC Virtual was held with weekly meet- in those industry discussions as we contact stateproducts that utilize ings from June until July and centered not only onregulators and work with the global authority to the usual ASTA Annual Meeting, but also on edu- make sure that seed is moving globally and hasthe latest breeding cational meetings. The virtual conference, offeredas little interruption as possible, Gale said. At thetechniques. for free to ASTA members, more than doubledsame time, were looking at the future.the usual June attendance as well as broadeningNamely, Gale said that theyre looking at whatWayne Galeits reach to attendees in 15 countries. Even thoughwill research and trials look like in the post COVID everything was held virtually on Zoom, it seemedenvironment, and what effect that will have on our like you were attending the in-person meeting.industry. One thing that didnt change, though, was theIn non-COVID-19 related news, Gale said ASTA Annual Meeting, where ASTA brought inanother important task ASTA has been working their new officers and recognized strong leader- on is the USDA guidelines on genetic engineered ship in the seed industry.organisms. Though we cant be together, due to thisThats been a top priority of ASTA over the last ON THE WEBhistoric COVID pandemic, nonetheless were herefew months, Gale said. ASTA has been pushingWHERE in this forum to continue the associations time- for a science-based risk assessment regulatory honored traditions, said Wayne Gale, outgoingsystem, that provides a clear pathway for productsTo find out more updateschair of the American Seed Trade Association andthat utilize the latest breeding techniques. about COVID-19 and the Unitedpresident of Stokes Seeds. Were very thankful forTariff relief has been another topic on the top-of- States, please visitthe chance to come together as an association. mind at ASTA.www.betterseed.org/covid-19/.54/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2020'