b'I thought being a female in agriculture was normal. It was not until I attended Purdue and started to pursue my career that I realized that by being a woman in agriculture, I was a minority.Jayde Sillsmunity and I was always tagging along. It was and still is ourServing as a talent development specialist at AgReliant lifestyle. I was very fortunate with parents that provided me withGenetics means two days are rarely the same. Graduation stu-an abundance of opportunities in 4-H. The soft spot from 4-Hdents are typically offered a position in the fall but dont start is simple. As an adult I can now see how much it has shaped meuntil May, so keeping in touch during that period is critical. into the person I am today.I stay connected via phone calls, emails and texts, she says. And while agricultural sales is a topic often overlooked by stu- I then work to prepare them for their first day, from updating dents and graduates, Sills had no doubt thats where she wantedour training guide to ordering them their laptop, iPad and com-to be. It all started with a certain salesperson that would come topany truck.the Sills farm.Sills explained that in the first year, new hires spend time at My dad is a farmer and works with lots of salespeople onproduction and research locations, at company headquarters his operation, she says. But there is one that is more like familyand working on projects that contribute to their sales team. She than a salesperson, Bob Purlee. He would eat lunch with us,says delivering information throughout the process is critical.come watch us show our livestock at the fair, bring his kids to ourMy goal for the group is to ensure that I am providing them house to play and more. It was Bob that opened my eyes to thewith learning opportunities the month before theyll need that fact that being a salesperson is more than just selling somethingskill. From my experience, it is challenging to receive all the infor-to a farmer or a retailer. It is building a relationship with thatmation you need to do your job within the first three weeks but person and instilling a trust between the two of you. then not practice that learning for another six months or more.Purlees influence showed Sills just how important salespeo- It comes as no surprise that the most reward part of Sills job ple are in the business. They have a personal connection andis helping others. want to see their farmers succeed. They share in the joy of a suc- I want to help ensure these young people start their cessful year and bear the burdens of challenges too.career off on the right track with AgReliant Genetics, she said.Agriculture is still very traditional in the sense that people likeNothing is more exciting for me than to see someone who has to buy from those that they trust that they would invite to sit atgone through the program succeed and excel in their role within their kitchen table for a meal or meet their kids. This to me is thethe organization. It is the best feeling when new sales employees reason that salespeople are so important, Sills adds. see truly how vital all roles are in the organization.Each year, Seed World, in partnership with the American Stepping in as an Influential Woman Seed Trade Association (ASTA) recognize a Future Giant of the Sills also fulfills a role as an influential woman in the agriculturalindustry.industry. She sees things changing for the better when it comesNominations are completed by co-workers, supervisors, to equality.teachers, clients and a host of other industry players when they I was raised in agriculture and was working ground, feedingbelieve someone is worthy of the honor.cows, doing all the jobs that a man might do at a young age, sheThe program is open to nominees who are in graduate or says. I thought being a female in agriculture was normal. It wasundergraduate program in post-secondary education and intend not until I attended Purdue and started to pursue my career thatto pursue a career in the seed industry, or nominees who are cur-I realized that by being a woman in agriculture, I was a minority.rently employed by a seed company, laboratory or university and As part of the leadership team for AgReliant Geneticsare seen as an up and coming leader.SWwomens network, Sills has seen how talking about equality in the workplace is moving in the right direction. It is going to take men and women bringing awareness and having uncomfortable conversations on the topic to help driveWHERETo view the Future Giant Virtual Award Ceremony presentation, visitchange in our industry. Women make great leaders and deserveON THEseedworld.com/seed-world-announces-jayde-sills-as-2020-future-giant-the opportunity to be taken seriously, but it takes men support- WEB of-the-seed-industry/ ing these women and having conversations, she says.40/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2020'