b'PARTNER CONTENTClariants Agrocer Range Offers Customers Sustainable and Compliant Seed Color OptionsCompliance is a cornerstone of the Clariant Agrocer product line, providing customers industry leading performance with the power to market a finished product for global markets. C lariants Agrocer business has part-nered with Standard Colors Agro Group to bring industry leading seed treatments to the agriculture market. Safety, sustainability, regulatory compli-ance and performance are their pillars of operations.As a global company, our leading directives are safety, sustainability and compliance, says Mark Self, market seg-ment manager for special applications at Colorants Solutions USA, LLC, a Clari-ant company, and our goal is to be the industry standardto set the bar high for others in the industry to follow in regards to safety, sustainability, compliance and performance. Clariants Agrocer products are exempt from hazardous labeling requirements, meet strict purity requirements for heavy metals and primary aromatic amine con- Through the Clariant Agrocer system,ate technical, compliance and application tent. They have also been tested for seedour customers have dependable colorsinformation and assistance to Agrocers safety in various aspects by Clariant andfor their seeds. Every product solution wecustomers of all sizes. the result of the test did not show a nega- provide is consistent and EPA compliant,The Agrocers teams expertise offers tive impact on germination. he says.customers one-on-one conversation to Providing products for the globalThe range of color offerings and prod- answer questions and to provide tailored market requires strict adherence anducts Agrocer offers is based on the six mostsolutions to their needs. compliance to global regulatory bodies,globally significant pigment types used inOur best customers are very stringent a production practice the Agrocer teamagricultural seed applications and meetin their product requirements, and the holds to the highest standard, as Kevinthe requirements for inclusion under U.S.business of seed treatment is a multifac-Brost, Standard Colors Agro Groups viceEPA 40 CFR 180.920 (or other applicableeted one; it varies by crop and geography. president of business development, shares.sections). These are cleared to be appliedThose three things call for multi-level Uniformity in the production pro- on crops for food use in seed treatment.sales and service, along with attention to cess and ingredients are core pieces ofThe products are also compliant with thenew product needs and compliance, to providing the customer with a safe andEuropean REACH Regulation. reach customers of all sizes, Kevin Brost compliant product because even thoughLongtime and well-known agriculturalsays. not every customer we deal with is aninnovators including Clariants MarkFor more information about the prod-international customer, the seeds theySelf and the Standard Colors Agro Groupucts and services Clariants Agrocer team are producing may be distributed globallyteam of Kevin Brost and John Kibbee,provides, visit: www.clariant.com/agrocer whether as seed for planting for the sale orbring leadership in customer service andor contact Kevin Brost at 406-204-4404 or the final crop. product development, providing immedi- kevin.brost@standardcolors.com SEPTEMBER 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /31'