b'BOB BISCHOFFSEED TREATMENT BUSINESS LEAD, EASTERN REGION JOE PENTLICKIbischoff.bob@nufarm.com VICE PRESIDENT AND COOwww.nufarm.comJoe.Pentlicki@olivermanufacturing.comwww.olivermanufacturing.com Its Not too Early toCompetition andPricing Wars Mitigate 2021 SCN Losses COVID-19 HAScreated a large measure of com-petitive infighting among suppliers going for the NOW THAT SOYBEANSarecollecting soil samples. The SCNlimited market share available in todays market. planted, lets focus on a majorCoalition has a wealth of tools andCompeting firms deal with continued challenges issue that remains in front of ustips for the best methods on how toto earn their portion of the investments custom-but is often overlooked once wecollect samples. ers are still making. Most reputable organizations get the crop into the ground:Once youve determined nema- continue to focus on providing a value-based price Heterodera glycines or Soybeantode count, its time to developthat includes not only the value provided by the Cyst Nematode (SCN). a management plan. As youvegoods but also ongoing support, services, quality SCN is a microscopic worm thatalready selected and planted theand return on investment. lives in the soil that penetrates thesoybean variety, this may seem a Others may look to erode their margins to gain root where it feeds and develops.little late, but its an important andmarket share. This approach can have adverse SCN is considered the most dam- valuable agronomic practice foreffects on the broader industry. Companies aging soybean pathogen in Northmanaging future crops.engaged in pricing wars reduce overall short term Americamore damaging thanThere are three useful tacticsmargins, which make long-term customer service Sudden Death Syndromeandfor managing SCN. First, considerand support more difficult to provide. Price-cutting No. 2 in the world. The life cycleplanting a non-host crop (i.e., corn,can also lead companies to offer inferior quality of a female is a short 24 days. Awheat, cotton, peanuts, or tobacco)products with reduced capacity. This becomes single season can have betweenas populations will decrease in aeven more difficult in high-cost, capital equipment 3-6 generations, leading to majoryear of non-host crops. Second,markets. Furthermore, sellers may enact low-price increases in populations. Accordingselect resistant soybean varieties.initiatives to reduce competition. Reducing compe-to the SCN Coalition, the recordThis is more challenging than it maytition is eventually a recipe for higher prices. population confirmed by the Iowaappear on the surface due to SCNNot every company lowering prices is engaged State University testing lab wasovercoming resistance. PI 88788,in a price war. Some proactively look for ways to nearly 335,000 eggs from a fieldthe primary source of SCN resist- lower costs. Using this tactic, they can provide soil sample. Its not hard to imagineance in approximately 95% of U.S.the highest value at the lowest price. Short-term the amount of damage that can becommercial soybean varieties haspricing should never preclude long-term value, done by those types of numbers.seen its efficacy erode in recentservice and support. If you suspect your supplier is Yield loss from SCN can exceedyears by as much as 50%. The thirdengaged in a price war, ask the following questions: 50%. In the Midwest, we can seetool is seed treatment solutions. An1. How is it that you reduced your price for this five bu yield loss or more. Whatexample is Trunemco from Nufarm,project? Are you using a proactive approach to makes SCN difficult to identify iswhich not only offers protectionreduce your costs, or are you merely trying to buy that there are not always above- from SCN and a broad spectrummarket share? ground symptoms. Healthy lookingof plant-parasitic nematodes, but2. What methods are you using to provide the plants above ground do not meanalso aids in managing nematodebest price but the highest value?that SCN is not present in the field,populations in the soil to deliver3. What would be the long-term implications if causing yield loss or vectoring sec- higher yields. larger firms are engaging in pricing wars? What will ondary infections. In summary, as youre outthis do to future competition and future pricing?There are two ways to scout forscouting for weeds, insect pressure4. Am I still going to get the desired value SCN. The first is to dig roots andand other pests, consider adding(quality, capacity, support and service) if my initial look for females or small, white tonematode sampling to your list. Theinvestment cost is lower? Or will these benefits yellow bumps that are about theworst place to end up at the end ofcome at a higher cost because of the lower initial size of a pinhead. You may findthe season is having a yield loss andinvestment costs? a small magnifying glass to be ano plan to mitigate it. We all need to be aware and make decisions for handy tool. The second method isour long-term success. SEPTEMBER 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /29'