b'Exploring ideas and views on all aspects of the seed industry.M? the origin of S COME FRO new light on S IN THE U sheds Health,. ted an infestation of the CKORNED TI Publicersey. It was the first time established GH andnited Statesjournaliology and other researchers detec s bee New SIAN LON Zoonoses A newS. Subsequent investigations found the tick these exotic ticks and how they are spreading across the U reseE ARE DID TH in thent in E published, in New J ha n pWH study,tor B sia it In 2017, Rutgers Center for Vec ted in the U. ers discove, which is native to East A resea red, free from The species has two forms: one with males and females, and one with self-cloning females that lay populations of this species had been detec rch individerscloning form establish sian longhorned tick ste U.S. Rutg . The self- female can A the ea rnthenogenesis . A singleual beespread in. alled par and spread least three ersey since at least 2013 likely toateat towid thriveat J especiallydingsdic , which explains why all adult eggs without needing to mate, a process c rch rsth , U. . ticks are more likely inmates, aree fin nited States S ew Zealand.growing population Biolo . so far have been female. Overalllook for.gy reseato, were brought to the Uthe needVectory (or countries) than from Australia and N EAT CRO New a fast- rs Center forS RD WITHPe cloning populations S Rsian longhorned ticks found in the U. Z FAR R HE ted wheatns per hecRutg ECOticks, from self- sian countr MER BREAK CTARE WH yields intare, to have come from an East A K-TAK E SN n avera N PE ce aroun y, A E 8 TO e rriga d 12 toSENSATION SEE E demonstrating how remarkable the new record is R 17.39 g , iK RS, RIS ITTERN SO aland produRan achievement admired by the wider industrORE B S Zeeand providing insights into innovations for future O EXPERIENCE M eesult People who seek novel and powerful sensations WH INK IPAS th rand are more prone to taking risksand whor ves to ohissuch APT TO D nte elyar th. n was thrilled with and make pe c veitter stem ns onductedas Eri t i Wa s tcontinually improve dfarming more likely to prefer bitter, pale-ale-style beers ore i grow t os c san ta ten, according to Pennad h n men s yield achieved nice r ei b e s tand drink them more of s l r n ich i lvedoperation are Guinness World R thrilled with y r se e i s, who ctests andva ce .very proud to havecord is aarch taste enso recognition of our hard work and new innovations atse ha ri e lved b . dnvoWeTheSt e t nvo s udy t y assessment study, wh mers,werea result While we werean a t the record result in 2017, we saw ways in which personalit sult 0 therco e su archer Johnweve put in place ments and achieve s ofnThe re bee se c ence, m rethan10 xplained rof food s i make improve son.arvested on e i ypically indicates19u o xpect s d, eprofessor ess lea s towe could, says Watand h iety is Kerrin, ne s, as c ate i ebittern d f s. d Planted in April 20 heat var fields Grain & Haye o even higher yield wbecause previous research tter foods and drinkter e d st rese hersmoreFebrua y 17, 202 thebe usedarr feeding New p rce v in 0, great arc r WS and supplied by C for decreased intake of bittha ss l o ea itional y, m rience bittern inksobred by K it will likely. Tr d leo expe rod or dr ke it less,Seed, andy herdthato a whbitte r fo s, theyi said. ButZealands beef or dairpe p lte l void itte nes les , he higher nse y ed b sin h he hten con me ite who seek like wit ig resu eopl , they refoand the ind that p risk-taking we f more, if they also ter beer such as India pale aleshere, and are.sensations ter taste perceptionhave greater bitbit72/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2020'