b'Popcorn, the Crop with Only One UseExperts chat about the history and breeding of ourfavorite movie food: popcorn.Joe FunkPOPCORN IS A UNITASKER.Itpowered poppers, were a common sighttive of a private breeding program. From doesnt have a long list of functionsat fairs, parks and expositions. a dollar and cents perspective, it would to justify its existence. It serves only oneIn 1934, the Minnesota Agriculturalbe hard to recover the cost of a nutrition-purpose: its snack food. But it serves thatExperiment Station released Minhybridfocused, popcorn breeding program. function very well.250, the first hybrid popcorn for commer- Public breeders may find some interest Popcorn is perhaps natures bestcial production. This initial release was nar- in researching the genetic background of snack treat. It is a healthy, whole grain,rowly adapted to the northern U.S. Cornpopcorn vs. dent corn. Nutrition is not a relatively inexpensive, non-GMO foodBelt. By the 1940s, more widely adaptedhigh consideration for private breeders. that tastes great, especially when dressedhybrids had been developed by IndianaThere are already many other more impor-with melted butter and a good sprinkle ofand Kansas Agricultural Experimenttant traits. Popcorn is already a healthy salt. While popcorn is a great snack, it isStations in cooperation with the U.S.snack. Anybody can enjoy it, but it is not not the perfect crop. Commercial grow- Department of Agricultures Bureau ofregarded as a significant component of ers want plants with better standabilityPlant Industry. Modern plant breeders,peoples diets like corn or wheat or rice. and more yield per acre. Movie theatreconcentrated in the heart of the U.S. Corn concessionaires want more poppedBelt, continue their quest to developBreeder Challengesvolume per pound of grain and nutri- improved popcorn hybrids.There are 250,000 acres of popcorn vs. tionists want improved protein balance.The whole focus of the popcorn92 million of dent acres planted annually Notwithstanding, popcorn has survivedindustry is consumer-driven, says Sterlingin the United States. The size of the pop-the test of time. Weeda, plant breeder at Schlessmancorn crop limits the resources available Scholars agree that popcorn origi- Seed Company, Milan, Ohio. Per acreto advance popcorn breeding programs. nated in the Americas. Popcorn grainsyield for farmers is important and not toPrivate breeding programs are generally estimated to be more than 1,000 years oldbe neglected, but how it pops, how well isfunded with very stringent budgets. That were found on the east coast of Peru. Aexpands, what kind of popped kernel flakesis one challenge. 1,000-year-old popped kernel was foundit produces, how well it eats and how well itFrom a breeding perspective, popcorn in a dry cave inhabited by predecessorsholds its shape are qualities that can over- presents some competing objectives that of the Pueblo Indians in Southwesternride yield when commercial popcorn usersare inherent in the character of popcorn Utah. Popcorns modern era as a favoriteselect hybrids for production.genetics. As grain yield increases, pop-American snack was launched in 1893 atBrad Thada, a popcorn breeder atping expansion tends to decrease. The the New York Worlds Fair. Street vendors,Weaver Popcorn Hybrids, New Richmond,shape and size of popcorn kernels influ-by the 1920s, with their steam or gas- Ind., agrees. Nutrition is seldom an objec- ence how they pop and behave in the 64/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2020'