b'S T R A T E G Y A featured segment designed to help you in the realm of retail seed sales. Reading the Tea LeavesLooking forward to the 2021 crop year.Joe FunkAS THE WORLDwel- If the election brings in a comed the beginning ofnew Biden administration, a new decade on Januarywhat effect would that have, 1, 2020, how could we haveand how would they handle known a few months later thatfarmer payments and trade life as we knew it would dra- policy? Even if there is not matically change? Those daysan administration change, that we now fondly remem- we can ask more questions ber as the old normal havethan we have answers. It will come to an end. In much thedefinitely be different, says same way that the events ofTaylor Sauder, merchandising September 11, 2001, changedconsultant, Advance Trading everything, so our response toInc., Bloomington, Ill. I think coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)there is strong bi-partisan seem to be changing every- support in Congress for being thing. In an attempt to mitigatetough on China. Whether the spread of the COVID-19thats done via tariffs or not, influenza pandemic, govern- is up for debate amongst par-ments have issued Executiveties. Looking forward, we see Orders and other directivesthat China may be going back telling us to shelter-at-home,to a more predictable market-wear face masks, practiceing plan, which would be a social-distancing and stay atgreat thing from a logistical least six feet away from eachperspective and help support other. Together these orderssoybean prices.have created a whole newGasoline demand from the world of fear and uncertainty.ethanol sector decreased 18% Global commerce hit a speedduring the first half of 2020 bump. Some state and nationalalthough it has rebounded borders were closed, whichsomewhat. Where do we go restricted international seedfrom here? If driving demand movement. Any effort to lookcloser to the November 2020Trade Association (ASTA),does not increase, it will affect ahead into 2021 to read thePresidential election, legisla- says legislative progress hascorn demand. When prices tea leaves is to stare into a fog. tive progress at all levels hasbecome a standard hurry-updropped, market demand also The U.S. Securities andslowed to dealing with onlyand-wait situation. dropped. Work-at-home is Exchange Commission, in itsthe most essentials items.cutting down driving. Leisure corporate financial disclosureRegardless of which partyElections, Trade Wars anddriving is also down. Together guidance, acknowledgeswins the White House andGrain Markets these could have a tremen-the impact of COVID-19introduces its new set ofThe legislative uncertaintydous effect on the market on companies is evolvingpriorities, Jane DeMarchi,in Washington is affectingfor fuel ethanol. It is hard to rapidly and its future effectsGovernment and Regulatorythe message the tea leavesgauge the impact it will have are uncertain. As we moveAffairs at the American Seedare indicating for early 2021.on demand.48/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2020'