b"ROBIN OMARAPRESIDENT,NICOLE OLYNK WIDMAR OMARA AG SERVICESASSOCIATE HEAD AND PROFESSOR,romara60@msn.comDEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICSwww.omara-ag.comPURDUE UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL BUSINESSnwidmar@purdue.eduwww.agribusiness.purdue.edu @ProfWidmar Free SeedWhy is a Raven Like aMOST FOLKS LOVEgetting things for free. Conversely, most don't so much love giving things Writing Desk? away for free. How about those extra ounces you're putting into each bag? Giving a little extra is fine, as long as you know the cost. If your current IN LEWIS CAROLLSnovel, AlicesI wonder if there are answers. Morebag filling accuracy has you overshooting your Adventures in Wonderland, the ques- fundamentally, is the question the50-pound bag weight by 2 ounces, that translates tion Why is a raven like a writingright one, and does it even matter? into 80 extra ounces per bulk bag. So, if you bag desk? first appears. For a refresher,What are pertinent questions for100,000 units per season, that translates into check out the clip of the Mad Hattersyour business in the realm of under- 12,500 pounds of FREE SEED you are giving away. tea party from Disneys 1951 ani- standing consumers? Spending time,We manufacture and represent a lot of things mated Alice in Wonderland film. money and energy determining whythat are not free, but the ROI impact of their per-Question: Why is a raven like aconsumers are concerned aboutformance kind of makes them free. If your current writing desk? GMO use in food systems facili- method of bulk filling lacks speed, accuracy or Answer: A raven is not like a writ- tates progress in feeding a growingrepeatability, then you might want to consider an ing desk, and it doesnt matter why. population while using less chemicalsupgrade. Most floor scales, because of their larger We as humans are inherently inter- on our fields. Thus, deeper under- weighment capability and lack of a bulk-dribble ested in riddles and problem solving.standing of consumer demand forcycle, may translate to more free seed given away. Those most successful in your indus- products with and without GM tech- It doesn't matter if you call it mini-bulk, soft side, try are likely problem solvers, but wasnology seems like an investment withjumbo bag, super sack, bulk bag, tote box, cubit, the problem solved even worth solv- probable positive ROI. In the momentpro-box, black box or hard side, it's the same deal.ing? Does it actually matter? and faced with our own dollars (andHow could these features and options help your Carroll proposed an answer to theegos) at stake, it becomes difficult tobulk filling operation?raven/writing desk riddle in a pref- discern the situation we are facing.No-pinch fill gate means that you won't crushace to a later version of his work butWhile I posit there is much the agri- seeds with each gate closeadmitted no answer was originallycultural supply chains can learn fromBulkdribble gate for consistently accurate intended. As a devoted Alice fan,consumer demand and understandingbag fill weightI believe she has much to teach usconsumer perceptions, we must real- Inflatable neck seal that secures the bag top about the perils and trials of soundize what is interesting versus what isand prevents dust releasedecision making (spoiler alert: con- actionable. Without this knowledge,Bag inflator blower so you don't need to hold suming one mushroom in the forestone risks spending time and moneythe bag corners out until filling starts with undesirable outcomes mightanswering the question Why is a Adjustable bag strap hangers to suit your bag cause one to pause before assumingraven like a writing desk? sizethe solution to ones next challengeLearn more from the Center for Dust control hood for box filling takes awayis a different mushroom). To get toFood and Agricultural Businessnuisance dust issuesthe heart of the matter: How muchConsumer Corner page or registeringIntegral surge bin that recharges as the filled time is wasted answering questionsfor an upcoming online professionalbag or box is changed outfor which there are no answers? Anddevelopment program. Bulk or net weigh, bag settling, bag lifting, worse, how much time is spent cel- Visit agribusiness.purdue.edu forauto strap release, pallet dispenser, slip sheet ebrating for having answered them? upcoming programs you can par- dispenser, box de-nest, filled unit conveying, Particularly in the agriculturalticipate in remotely over a variety ofduplex capacity units, refuge blendingindustries where consumers feel farbusiness topics tailored to the agri- I'm not calling bag fill systems free, but if you do away from our fields and facilities,food industry. the ROI payback math, they kind of are. You can we embark on questions for whichlearn more by contacting your equipment supplier.30/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2020"